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Linedance Portalen

Rowdy Irish  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Beginner
Musik: Celtic Rock - David King      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Maria Zapata (USA) - February 2025

*1 Restart on Wall 5
|1-2-3-4R – Point front, point right, triple step
|5-6-7-8L – Point front, point left, triple step
|1-2-3-4Vine to the right, touch (thigh slaps and claps are optional)
|5-6-7-8Vine to the left, touch (thigh slaps and claps are optional)
|1-2R – Shuffle forward with the right
|3-4L – Step forward with the left, ½ pivot over the right shoulder
|5-6L – Shuffle forward with the left
|7-8R – Step forward with the right, ¼ pivot to your left
|1-2Right out, Left out
|3 & 4R-L-R, triple step in place
|5-6Left out – Right out
|7 & 8L-R-L, triple step in place
|RESTART ON WALL 5 facing front - after 16 counts (first 2 sections)
|1-8Section 1: Points and triple steps
|1-8Section 2: Vines to the right and left - Restart
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