I Am I Am I Am
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: High Improver Musik: I Am - Kane Brown Kunstner: Koreograf: Tammy Velasquez (USA) - February 2025 Slow intro is 16 counts |Start after 16 counts after the heavy beat starts (at approx. 0:23) |Restart Wall 2 after 16 counts |Tag 1 at end of Wall 10 |Tag 2 After 16 counts on Wall with Restart | |[1-8] Toe Switches, Heel Switches Fwd Rock R (Push R), Fwd Rock L (Push L) |1&2&3&4Point R (1) recover R (&) Point L (2) recover L (&) Heel R (3) recover R (&) Heel L (4) recover L (&) |5-6&Rock Forward on the R (5), recover L (6) R next to L (&) |7-8Rock Forward on the L (7), recover R (8) | |[9-16] L Coaster, R Wizard, L Wizard, R rock recover |1&2Step L foot back (1), close R foot to L(&), step L foot forward (2) |3-4&Step R forward to right diagonally (3), lock L behind R (4), step R forward (&) |5-6&Step L forward to L diagonal (5), lock R behind L (6), step L forward (&) |7,8Rock forward on R (7), Recover on L (8) | |[17-24] R Coaster, ¼ turn R-L rock Behind Side Cross, R rock recover |1&2Step R foot back (1) , close L foot to R (&), step R foot forward (2) |3-4Rock L as you turn ¼ turn R (3), recover on R (4) (3:00) |5&6Cross L foot behind R (5), step out R foot to the R (&), cross L foot in front of R (6). |7-8Rock R (7) and recover on L (8) | |[25-32] R Sailor ¼ R, Stomp L x2, L Kick Ball Stomp, Hold |1&2Step R behind L while making a ¼ turn over R shoulder (3), Step L side L (&) Step R forward (6:00) |3-4Stomp L x2 |5&6L Kick (5) step L next to R (&) step R next to L (6) |7-8Stomp L (7) Hold (8) | |Restart: |Wall 2 - Dance 16 counts w/step change |End of the second set of eight (after 16 counts) on Wall 2 facing 6:00 |Step change: Step forward on R (7) – Close on Left (8) (Replaces the rock fwd on R, recover on L) |then Restart the dance | |*Tag 1: |End of Wall 10 facing 6:00 |*4 counts - R Jazz Box in place (no turn) |1-2-3-4Cross R over L (1), step L back (2), Step R to R (3), Step L forward (4) | |Step sheet created by Cinnamon Dull | |Tag 2 with Restart: |Wall 11 – Starts facing 6:00 |Dance 16 counts w/step change, Tag 2, then Restart |End of the second set of eight (after 16 counts) on Wall 11 still facing 6:00 |Step change: Step forward on R (7) – Close on Left (8) (Replaces the rock fwd on R, recover on L) |*16 counts - Tag 2: |¼ turn R Chug x2, Hold, ¼ turn R chug x2, Hold |1-2Chug with R (or paddle) 2 times turning ¼ right (3:00) |3&4Hold (music rhythm is 3&4) |5-6Chug with R (or paddle) 2 times turning ¼ right (12:00) |7&8Hold (music rhythm is 7&8) | |¼ turn R Chug x2, ¼ Pivot L, Stomp RL |1-2Chug with R (or paddle) 2 times turning ¼ right (9:00) |3&4Hold (music rhythm is 3&4) |5-6Step R pivot ¼ L (6:00) |7-8Stomp RL |Restart facing 6:00 | |Ending: Ends after all of wall 14 (starts facing 6:00) - Ends facing 12:00 | | | |