Undercover Angel
Steps: 48 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Improver Musik: Undercover Angel (Original 45 Version) - Alan ODay : (iTunes - Single) Kunstner: Koreograf: Amy Christian (USA) & Rob Holley (USA) - March 2025 Tags: 0, Restarts: 0, Bridge: 1 |Intro: 24 (start on vocals) | |Sequence: 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, bridge (repeat last 16), 48 | |[1-8] POINT FORWARD, POINT SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE CROSS, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, BALL SIDE, ¼ TURN WITH SLIGHT HOOK |1-2Point R forward (1), point R to R side (2) |3&4Step R behind L (3), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (4) |5-6Rock L to L side (5), recover weight to R (6) |&7-8Step L next to R (&), step R to R side (7), turn ¼ & slightly hook L over R (8) (9:00) | |[9-16] WIZARD STEP LEFT, WIZARD STEP RIGHT, SWAY FORWARD/BACK/FORWARD, FLICK HEEL BEHIND |1-2&Turn ¼ L & step L forward (1), lock R behind L (2), step L forward (&) |3-4&Step R forward (3), lock L behind R (4), step R forward (&) |5-6Step L forward & sway hips forward (5), sway hips back (6) |7-8Sway hips forward (7), flick R heel behind L (8) | |[17-24] SIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT, 1/8 TURN SAILOR STEP, ½ PIVOT, CROSS, SIDE |1&2Step R to R side (1), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (2) |3&4Step L back (3), step R to R side (&), step L forward (4) (7:30) |5-6Step R forward (5), pivot ½ L (weight to L) (6) (1:30) |7-8Cross R over L (7), step L to L side (8) | |[25-32] SAILOR HEEL, BALL, CROSS, ¼ TURN LEFT & STEP BACK, COASTER, KICK-BACK-OUT |1&2Step R behind L (1), step L to L side (&), touch R heel diagonally forward (2) |&3-4Step R next to L (&), cross L over R (3), turn ¼ L & step R back (4) 12:00 |5&6Step L back (5), step R back (&), step L forward (6) |7&8Kick R forward (7), step R diagonally back (&), step L to L side (8) | |[33-40] SLOW UPPER BODY CIRCLE, BALL, SIDE ROCK LEFT, BALL, SIDE ROCK RIGHT |1-4Lean upper body forward & slightly left, slowly rotating in a clockwise circle (weight ending on L) |&5-6Step R next to L (&), rock L to L side (5), recover weight to R (6) |&7-8Step L next to R (&), rock R to R side (7), recover weight to L (8) | |[41-48] BACK, TOUCH, BACK, TOUCH, KICK-BALL-CHANGE, ½ PIVOT |1-2Step R diagonally back (extend right arms diagonally forward L) (1), touch L next to R (pull arm back to body (2) |3-4Step L diagonally back (extend left arms diagonally forward R) (3), touch R next to L (pull arm back to body) (4) |5&6Kick R forward (5). Step R next to L (&), step L forward (6) |7-8Step R forward (7), pivot ½ L (weight to L) (8) 6:00 | |NOTE: While dancing the [33-40] section, on the verse you’ll want to put your hands up and out, slightly to the side, in a “surprise” look, to mimic the “I said what?” lyrics. On the chorus you’ll want to place your hand over your eyes in a “salute” gesture to mimic the “somewhere” lyrics. | |ENDING: During wall 6, change 4 counts [33-36] to hugging yourself while shimming in place, then continue the rest of the dance. | |Contact: Amy – amyc@linedancefusion.com | |Contact: Rob - TeamHolleyLineDancing@gmail.com |Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeamHolleyLineDancing/ |Twitter: https://twitter.com/THLineDancing/ |MeWe: https://mewe.com/p/TeamHolleyLineDancing/ |YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TeamHolleyLineDancing | | | |