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Linedancer Koreograf
Joey Warren

Aktuel Linedance Undervisning:
Danse koreograferet af Joey Warren
Cowboy Songs - Intermediate 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Dustin Betts (USA) & Joey Warren (USA) - January 2025
Musik: Cowboy Songs
17-01-2025 10:22:11
Keep It Moving - Phrased Advanced 96 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren (USA), Debbie Rushton (UK) & Jason Aban (USA) - June 2024
Musik: Keep It Moving
11-07-2024 08:45:00
The Punchline - Intermediate Waltz 48 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Cody Flowers (USA) & Joey Warren (USA) - April 2024
Musik: Feel Good
25-04-2024 11:38:38
Cojo Turbo - Intermediate 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Cody Flowers (USA) & Joey Warren (USA) - February 2024
Musik: Turbo
04-03-2024 11:34:51
Bow Chika Wow It - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Dustin Betts (USA), Cody Flowers (USA) & Joey Warren (USA) - September 2023
Musik: Bow Chika Wow It
01-10-2023 22:08:52
Show Me - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren (USA) - February 2023
Musik: Show Me What You Got
19-09-2023 09:44:02
Uphill Battle - Intermediate 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren – July 2018
Musik: Uphill Battle - Rozzi
14-11-2018 13:32:52
Straight To The Castle - Phrased / Contra Advanced - paso doble 96 counts 1 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren – April 2017
Musik: Halsey - Castle (Deluxe Edition)
02-06-2017 21:40:59
Thy Will - Intermediate / Advanced waltz 48 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren – Feb 2017
Musik: Thy Will - Hillary Scott
16-02-2017 19:27:46
The Waiting Game -  32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse / Joey Warren – April 2016
Musik: Waiting Game - Parson James
09-05-2016 18:51:15
How I Want Ya - Phrased Advanced 80 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren (USA) & Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) March 2016
Musik: How I Want Ya (Dawin Remix) – Hudson Thames (feat. Hailee Steinfield), (Album: iTunes and all major mp3 websites, approx 3.15mins)
27-04-2016 12:43:25
Die A Happy Man - Intermediate WCS style 48 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) and Joey Warren (USA) Feb. 2016
Musik: Die A Happy Man – Thomas Rhett (Album: Tangled Up)
28-03-2016 16:55:08
Wtf (what The France) - Advanced 64 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse, Darren Bailey, Joey Warren (April 2015)
Musik: Want To Want Me by Jason Derulo
16-02-2016 00:02:04
Summertime Roll! - Improver samba 48 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren (USA) – & Niels Poulsen (DK) October 2015
Musik: In the Summertime by Shaggy feat. Rayvon. [3:46. iTunes, etc.]
10-11-2015 14:57:22
Bam-a-lam! - Intermediate Funky Cha 64 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Guyton Mundy and Joey Warren
Musik: Dangerous by Ying Yang Twins ftg. Wyclef
13-03-2015 22:53:55
Talkin To The Moon - High Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren (Mar 2011)
Musik: “Talking to the Moon” by “Bruno Mars”
11-02-2015 23:01:58
Cheesecake - Advanced 32 counts 3 walls
Koreograf: Scott Blevins, Rachael McEnaney & Joey Warren - Oct 2014
Musik: “Cheesecake” by Teo - iTunes
03-12-2014 13:28:18
Won't You Stay - Low Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Joey Warren (May 2014)
Musik: Stay With Me - Sam Smith
30-08-2014 22:01:57
Mmm Yeah - Advanced 64 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney (UK/USA), Roy Hadisubroto (Holland), & Joey Warren (USA) April 2014
Musik: Mmm Yeah – Austin Mahone f. Pitbull (single - iTunes) approx 3.51 mins
08-05-2014 17:15:21
Link til Joey Warrens koreograferede danse på Coppersknop
Joey Warren
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