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Linedancer Koreograf
Jo Thompson

Aktuel Linedance Undervisning:
Danse koreograferet af Jo Thompson
Shoop Shoop - Beginner 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA)
Musik: The Shoop Shoop Song (Its In His Kiss)
11-02-2025 11:15:11
Kiss And Make Up - Improver 48 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Grace David (KOR), David Hoyn (AUS), Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - January 2025
Musik: Kiss and Make Up
15-01-2025 09:42:30
Just For Grins - Improver / Intermediate 48 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA)
Musik: Billy B. Bad
12-01-2025 19:30:51
Dizzy - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA)
Musik: Dizzy
03-12-2024 10:47:22
Beauty In The Ruins - Intermediate NC 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) & Hayley Wheatley (UK) - October 2024
Musik: Ruins
30-10-2024 16:46:17
One Blood - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Roy Hadisubroto (IRE), Shane McKeever (N.IRE) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - October 2024
Musik: One Milkali (One Blood)
30-10-2024 08:06:47
Bringin' The Wow - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Scott Blevins (USA) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - October 2024
Musik: Bring the Wow
28-10-2024 09:14:25
Enchantment - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA)
Musik: Land of Enchantment
18-09-2024 08:30:29
Rita's Waltz (l/p) - Waltz line / Partner dance 24 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - September 2014
Musik: Scooter Lee
04-09-2024 22:03:03
Guy I Used To Be - Easy Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Syndie BERGER (FR) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - May 2024
Musik: Guy I Used To Be
03-09-2024 13:30:37
Jo'n Jo Tango - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) & Rita Jo Thompson - June 2008
Musik: Hernandos Hideaway
15-08-2024 16:39:58
Case Of The Blues - Intermediate 48 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - May 2024
Musik: Fifth of Whiskey, Case of the Blues
28-07-2024 08:44:44
Stomping Ground - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Amund Storsveen (NOR) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - May 2024
Musik: Stomping Ground
24-05-2024 08:59:52
I Ain't Never - High Beginner 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Michael Barr (USA), Michele Burton (USA) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - September 2019
Musik: I Aint Never
25-02-2024 19:36:02
I'll Never Know - Advanced NC 96 counts 1 walls
Koreograf: Niels Poulsen (DK) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - February 2024
Musik: Some Things Ill Never Know
25-02-2024 17:46:31
Dancing In The Dark - Beginner 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - April 2000
Musik: Smoke Rings In the Dark
06-02-2024 09:14:26
Saxxy - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Rebecca Lee (MY) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - January 2024
Musik: Saxxy
02-02-2024 23:14:22
Let's Have Some Fun (aka Christmas Fun) - Beginner 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) & Niels Poulsen (DK) - December 2023
Musik: YMCA (Christmas Version)
19-12-2023 10:15:05
Un Poquito - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney (USA) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - October 2023
Musik: Un Poquito
30-11-2023 16:16:43
6's To 9's - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Scott Blevins (USA) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - September 2022
Musik: 6s to 9s (feat. Rationale)
09-11-2023 10:28:39
Link til Jo Thompsons koreograferede danse på Coppersknop
Jo Thompson
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