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Linedancer Koreograf

Aktuel Linedance Undervisning:
Danse koreograferet af Scotland
Give Me Love - Advanced 64 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse (Ireland) & Nicola Lafferty (Scotland) February 2019
Musik: Give Me Love by Ciara (Album Jackie)
07-03-2019 13:17:58
Given To Me - Improver 64 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Yvonne Anderson, Scotland, May 2018
Musik: Give it to Me by Nathan Carter, iTunes
21-05-2018 19:31:54
Leap Of Faith - Improver 64 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Stephen & Lesley McKenna and Nathan Gardiner (Scotland) June 2017
Musik: Leap Of Faith by Amy Macdonald. on Under Stars
30-07-2017 13:19:01
Rose From The Sea (rosa Del Mar) - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Rep Ghazali-Meaney, Scotland (Oct 2016)
Musik: Rosa Del Mar by Gabe Garcia - 105 bpm
18-06-2017 10:40:54
Olivia's Boots - Improver 54 counts 1 walls
Koreograf: Rep Ghazali-Meaney, Scotland (April 2017)
Musik: These Boots Are Made For Walkin by Olivia Holt - 99 bpm
21-05-2017 20:51:37
Every Time She Walks By - Improver 48 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Heather Barton (Scotland) LDF Edinburgh - 18th March 2017
Musik: Every Time She Walks by Adam Brand. Album: Get On Your Feet - iTunes
01-04-2017 22:04:38
Missing - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Heather Barton (Scotland) Dec 2016
Musik: Missing by William Michael Morgan. Album: Vinyl - iTunes & amazon
08-01-2017 22:19:15
Once Bitten Twice Shy - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Lorna Cairns (Scotland) Nov 2016
Musik: Gone Gone Gone by Robert Mizzell
20-11-2016 17:19:26
I Want You To Want Me - Easy Intermediate 52 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Stephen & Lesley McKenna (Scotland) July 2016
Musik: I Want You To Want Me by Dwight Yoakam [The Very Best Of Dwight Yoakam]
30-07-2016 15:40:33
My Mother My Teacher My Friend - Improver 64 counts 0 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) Jan. 2016
Musik: My Mother, My Teacher, My Friend by Johnny Brady. iTunes - Livin all my dreams CD
29-07-2016 16:23:54
Everybody's Got 'em - Beginner / Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Diana Dawson (Scotland) Aug 2015
Musik: Flaws by Alan Jackson (122 bpm,) CD: Angels and Alcohol . iTunes and Amazon
15-06-2016 17:45:55
Banks Of The Roses - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Stephen & Lesley McKenna (Scotland) May 2016
Musik: Banks of The Roses by Nathan Carter. [Stayin Up All Night]
13-05-2016 10:18:59
On The Waves - Beginner 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) July 2015
Musik: Walking on the Wave by Shane Owens - iTunes
13-05-2016 10:06:49
A Little Lonely & Blue - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Heather Barton (Scotland) May 2016
Musik: Im a Little Bit Lonely by Lisa McHugh
13-05-2016 09:54:49
Just Be You - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) April 2015
Musik: Just Be You by Billy Yates
12-04-2016 12:01:10
Temple Bar - High Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) March 2016
Musik: Temple Bar by Nathan Carter - iTunes
02-04-2016 23:37:48
Can't Love Me Like You - Beginner 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Lorna Mursell (Scotland) Nov. 2015
Musik: Love Me Like You by Little Mix
23-11-2015 16:09:10
Starting Tonight - Improver waltz 48 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Yvonne Anderson, Scotland – Nov. 2015
Musik: Forever Begins Tonight by The McClymonts, Album: Here’s To You and I, iTunes and amazon
09-11-2015 21:42:33
Just Another Woman - Improver 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Lesley Clark (Scotland, Jan 2014)
Musik: Just Another Woman In Love by Anne Murray
31-08-2015 22:39:13
Triple Mix - Beginner 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Lorna Mursell (Scotland) Nov 2014
Musik: Country Medley by Nathan Carter - The Live Show
30-01-2015 23:29:21
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