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Linedancer Koreograf
Audrey Watson

Aktuel Linedance Undervisning:
Danse koreograferet af Audrey Watson
Blue California - Improver 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (SCO)
Musik: Blue California
04-12-2024 15:56:41
My Girl Sally - Beginner 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (SCO) - January 2008
Musik: Sea Salt Sally
16-01-2024 12:29:08
Catch Me If You Can - Improver 64 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (SCO) - November 2008
Musik: Catch Me If You Can
04-12-2023 23:41:55
My Mother My Teacher My Friend - Improver 64 counts 0 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) Jan. 2016
Musik: My Mother, My Teacher, My Friend by Johnny Brady. iTunes - Livin all my dreams CD
29-07-2016 16:23:54
On The Waves - Beginner 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) July 2015
Musik: Walking on the Wave by Shane Owens - iTunes
13-05-2016 10:06:49
Just Be You - Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) April 2015
Musik: Just Be You by Billy Yates
12-04-2016 12:01:10
Temple Bar - High Improver 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) March 2016
Musik: Temple Bar by Nathan Carter - iTunes
02-04-2016 23:37:48
Be Strong - Beginner / Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson
Musik: The Words ’I Love You’ by Chris De Burgh
13-03-2015 23:05:56
The Belle Of Liverpool - Easy Intermediate 64 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Audrey Watson (Scotland) Sept 2012
Musik: The Belle of Liverpool by Derek Ryan (iTunes)
24-09-2014 17:43:48
Link til Audrey Watsons koreograferede danse på Coppersknop
Audrey Watson
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