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Linedancer Koreograf
David Hoyn

Aktuel Linedance Undervisning:
Danse koreograferet af David Hoyn
Kiss And Make Up - Improver 48 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Grace David (KOR), David Hoyn (AUS), Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - January 2025
Musik: Kiss and Make Up
15-01-2025 09:42:30
You Have Been There - High Intermediate 96 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Alison Johnstone (AUS) & David Hoyn (AUS) - July 2023
Musik: You Have Been There
24-07-2023 22:32:42
Ocean To Ocean - Easy Intermediate 32 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: David Hoyn (AUS), Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG), Grace David (KOR), Rebecca Lee (MY) November 2019
Musik: Ocean to Ocean by Pitbull ft. Rhea
05-01-2020 12:38:57
Love Is The Name - Improver 48 counts 2 walls
Koreograf: Alison Johnstone, David Hoyn, Adeline Cheng, Grace David (All Nuline Dance) August 2018
Musik: Love Is The Name by Sophia Carson (iTunes and Amazon)
03-09-2018 08:45:46
Cowboy For A Night - High Beginner 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Alison Johnstone (Australia) David Hoyn (Australia) Ira Weisburd (USA) Pedro Machado (UK) Jan 2017
Musik: Cowboy For A Night by Australias Tornadoes
13-02-2017 21:29:08
Dancing Kizomba - Intermediate 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Jose Miguel Belloque Vane(Nl), David Hoyn(Au), Rebecca Lee(My), Yeo Yu Puay(My), Lily Iguchi(Jp), Tomohiro Iizuka(Jp), Sobrielo Philip Gene(Sg), April 2016
Musik: Dancing Kizomba by Aliz Velix (Spanish version)
15-04-2016 23:10:09
Crocodile Roll - High Beginner 32 counts 4 walls
Koreograf: Ira Weisburd (USA): Alison Johnstone (AUS): David Hoyn (AUS): Nov 2014
Musik: Hillbilly Rick & Australia’s Tornadoes (AUS). Album: Dancin’ Up A Storm
15-12-2014 19:56:23
Link til David Hoyns koreograferede danse på Coppersknop
David Hoyn
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