Texas Connection Too - High Beginner 32
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Lisa McCammon; October 2019 Musik: Carrying Your Love With Me by George Strait; 66 bpm 29-01-2020 22:06:46
The Greatest Love Of All - Advanced NC 56
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Gary OReilly (IRL), José miguel Belloque Vane (NL) & Niels Poulsen (Denmark) October 2019 Musik: The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston. Track length: 4:48. Buy on iTunes, etc. 10-01-2020 12:39:31
Choose Joy - Intermediate 64
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) October 2019 Musik: Joy - For King & Country (3.54 mins). Album: Burn The Ships - iTunes. Spotify. 05-01-2020 13:45:07
Box Of Visions - Improver 36
counts 4 walls Koreograf: The Highlander (October 2019) Musik: Box of Visions Duet by Tom Russell & Iris DeMent (115 bpm) 27-11-2019 20:50:10
Honestly - Intermediate NC2S style 32
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) October 2019 Musik: Honestly - Harem Scarem (4.02 mins). Album: Harem Scarem (note: do not purchase the Early Years track on The Ultimate Collection album) 27-11-2019 19:47:15
Stack It Up - High Intermediate 64
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris ( October 2019 ) Musik: Stack It Up by Liam Payne ft A Boogie wit da Hoodie (iTunes) 16-11-2019 21:35:59
Cherry On Top - Phrased Advanced 80
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Debbie Rushton, Guillaume RICHARD, Darren Bailey – October 2019 Musik: Gimme Gimme by Johnny Stimson 08-11-2019 14:21:04
Half Past Tipsy - Improver 48
counts 4 walls Koreograf: Maddison Glover (AUS) and Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) October 2019 Musik: 1,2 Many - Luke Combs and Brooks & Dunn (3.01) 08-11-2019 14:15:04
You Gotta Work - Easy Intermediate 32
counts 4 walls Koreograf: Ria Vos, October 2019 Musik: Work For It (feat, LÒNIS) Daphne Willis & LÒNIS, Single 08-11-2019 10:54:37
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