Keep It Simple - Intermediate 64
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Karl-Harry Winson (UK) & Dwight Meessen (NL) February 2019 Musik: Keep It Simple by James Barker Band 27-03-2019 10:57:44
I Hope - High Intermediate 32
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Maggie Gallagher (February 2019) Musik: I Hope by Gabby Barrett (Amazon and iTunes) 20-03-2019 21:07:53
Love Is Forever - High Beginner 64
counts 4 walls Koreograf: Kim Liebsch (Denmark) (February 2019) Musik: Love Is Forever by Leonora (Winner of the Danish song contest 2019) (3:01) 08-03-2019 23:22:46
Give Me Love - Advanced 64
counts 4 walls Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse (Ireland) & Nicola Lafferty (Scotland) February 2019 Musik: Give Me Love by Ciara (Album Jackie) 07-03-2019 13:17:58
If I Back It Up Now (whatcha Gonna Do) - Beginner 32
counts 4 walls Koreograf: Ira Weisburd (USA) & Raymond Sarlemijn (NORWAY) February 2019 Musik: If I Back It Up by Nellie Tiger Travis. Album: Wanna Be With You/ Nellie Tiger Travis 07-03-2019 13:14:22
Cha Cha Cola - Improver 32
counts 4 walls Koreograf: Rob Fowler – February 2019 Musik: Sweet Like Cola (Special Edition) by Lou Bega (3m 23s) 07-03-2019 13:12:59
Don't Think About You! - Phrased Intermediate / Advanced NC 48
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Niels Poulsen (Denmark) February 2019 Musik: I Dont Think About You by Kelly Clarkson. Track Length: 3:44. Buy on iTunes, Etc. 07-03-2019 11:09:06
Small Town Summer - Improver / Intermediate 68
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Karl-Harry Winson (UK) February 2019 Musik: Small Town Summer by Derek Ryan. Album: Ten 07-03-2019 09:12:45
Home To You - Improver 64
counts 2 walls Koreograf: Maggie Gallagher (February 2019) Musik: Home To You by Michael Ball (Amazon & iTunes) 06-03-2019 10:27:51
A Little Kiss - Beginner 32
counts 4 walls Koreograf: Niels Poulsen (DK): February 2019 Musik: One kiss by Duo Lipa feat. Calvin Harris. 124 bpm. Track length: 3.35. Buy on iTunes etc 06-03-2019 10:23:08
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