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How You Like It! 0 alternativ dans © |
0,0 point Oprettet 08-08-2016 |
Counts: 64 Walls: 4 Level: Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Musik: How you like it by Sharon Doorson. Track length: 3:34. Buy on iTunes, etc.
Koreograf: Daniel Trepat (NL) & Roy Hadisubroto (NL) & Fiona Murray (IRL) & Niels Poulsen (DK)
Both A and B are 32 counts and 4 wall pieces.
Intro: 16 count intro from first beat in music (8 secs. into track). Start with weight on L foot
Ending: You automatically finish at 12:00 when completing your last B.
Sequence: Intro, A, A, B, B, A, A, B, B, A, A, B, B.
A – 32 counts, 4 walls (A is always done facing 12:00, then 9:00)
A[1 – 8] Syncopated vine, L&R heel switches, ball step, push/snap, ball step, push/snap
1 – 2&Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (&) 12:00
3&4Touch L heel fwd (3), step L next to R (&), touch R heel fwd (4) 12:00
&5 – 6Step R next to L (&), step L fwd (5), push hips back and snap R fingers at hip height (6) 12:00
&7 – 8Quickly change weight to L and step R next to L (&), step L fwd (7), push hips back and snap R fingers at hip height (8) – weight on R 12:00
A[9 – 16] & R rock fwd, ball cross, back R, ball cross, unwind ½ L, hip roll counter clockwise
&1 – 2Change weight fwd to L foot (&), rock R fwd (1), recover back on L (2) 12:00
&3 – 4Step R slightly back and open up in body to R (&), cross L over R (3), step back on R (4) 12:00
&5 – 6Step L a small step to L side (&), cross R over L (5), unwind ½ L keeping weight on R (6) 6:00
7 – 8Roll hips fwd and to the L side (7), roll hips back and to the R side (8) – weight on R 6:00
A[17 – 24] Ball cross, side L, R back rock with 1/8 R, R chassé, lock turn 3/8 L, hitch ½ L
&1 – 2Step L next to R (&), cross R over L (1), step L to L side (2) 6:00
3&Rock back on R turning 1/8 R (3), recover on L (&) 7:30
4&5Step R to R side (4), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (5) 7:30
6&7 – 8Lock L behind R turning 1/8 L (6), turn ¼ L stepping R next to L (&), turn ¼ L stepping L a tiny step fwd hitching R knee (7), turn another ¼ L on L keeping R hitched (8) 9:00
A[25 – 32] Walk R L, R mambo step, back L R with sweeps, R hitch X 2
1 – 2Walk R fwd (1), walk L fwd (2) 9:00
3&4Rock fwd on R (3), recover back on L (&), step back on R (4) 9:00
5 – 6Walk L back sweeping R to R side (5), walk R back sweeping L to L side (6) 9:00
7&8Step L back hitching R knee (7), step down on R (&), hitch R knee changing weight to L (8) 9:00
… Styling: when hitching knee contract chest, when knee goes down expand chest
B – 32 counts, 4 walls (B is always done facing 6:00, then 3:00)
B[1 – 8] Side points R & L, side R, knee pop, side point L, ¼ L, side point R, side L, knee pop
1&2&Point R to R side (1), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (2), step L next to R (&) 6:00
3&4&Step R a small step to R side (3), pop knees fwd (&), step feet down (4), step R next to L(&) 6:00
5&6&Point L to L side (5), turn ¼ L stepping L next to R (&), point R to R side (6), step R next to L (&)3:00
7&8Step L a small step to L side (7), pop knees fwd (&), step feet down (8) – weight on L 3:00
Styling note: instead of doing all the side points you can do bouncy rocks to the sides
B[9 – 16] R&L heel switches, up hitch ball step, walk RL, attitude hip bump ½ turn L with snaps
1&2&Touch R heel fwd (1), step R next to L (&), touch L heel fwd (2), step L next to R (&) 3:00
3&4Go up on ball of L hitching R knee (3), step down on R (&), step L fwd (4) 3:00
5 – 6Walk R fwd (5), walk L fwd (6) 3:00
7&8Turn ¼ L on L bumping hips up R (7), bump hips L (&), turn ¼ L stepping R back bumping hips back R (8)
… Arm styling: throw R up snapping fingers above head and to the R (7),move arm downwards and to the L (&), move arm down snapping fingers at hip height (8)9:00
B[17 – 24] Walk L R, cross samba step, samba ½ turn, samba together
1 – 2Walk L fwd (1), walk R fwd (2) 9:00
3&4Step L into R diagonal (3), turn 1/8 L rocking R to R side (&), recover on L (4) 7:30
5&6Cross R over L (5), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (6) 1:30
7&8Cross L over R (7), step R to R side (&), step L next to R (8) 1:30
B[25 – 32] R rocking chair, R lock step fwd, L point 1/8 R, flick cross, R point, shoulder shrugs
1&2&Rock R fwd (1), recover back on L (&), rock back on R (2), recover fwd to L (&) 1:30
3&4Step R fwd (3), lock L behind R (&), step R fwd (4) 1:30
5&6Turn 1/8 R pointing L to L side (5), flick L up and backwards (&), cross L over R (6) 3:00
7&8&Point R to R side (7), shrug R shoulder up and L down (&), shrug L shoulder up and R shoulder down (8), shrug R shoulder up and L down (&) 3:00
Alternative danse til "How You Like It!":
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