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Carnival Ride
0,0 point

Oprettet 11-12-2016

Counts: 64 Walls: 4 Level: Improver
Musik: Some Town Somewhere by Kenny Chesney - iTunes [Cosmic Hallelujah Album]
Koreograf: Tina Argyle – Nov 2016

Count In : 32 counts from start of track - start dancing with lyrics.

S1: Mambo Step Fwd. Low Kick Fwd. Coaster Step, Brush
1 - 2Rock fwd right, recover weight onto left
3 - 4Step back right, low kick left fwd
5 - 6Step back left, step back right
7 - 8Step fwd left, brush right at side of left

S2: Step ¼ Pivot Turn. Weave. Cross Rock Recover.
1 - 2Step fwd right, make ¼ turn left onto left (9 o'clock)
3 - 4Cross right over left, step left to left side
5 - 6Cross right behind left, step left to left side
7 - 8Cross rock right over left, recover weight onto left

S3: Side Touch, Side Touch, Side Together Fwd Touch.
1 - 2Step right to right side, touch left at side of right
3 - 4Step left to left side, touch right at side of left
5 - 6Step right to right side, step left at side of right
7 - 8Step fwd right, touch left at side of right

S4: Side Touch, Side Touch, Side Together Fwd Brush.
1 - 2Step left to left side, touch right at side of left
3 - 4Step right to right side, touch left at side of right
5 - 6Step left to left side, step right at side of left
7 - 8Step fwd left, brush right at side of left
*** Restart here during wall 4 facing 6 o'clock ***

S5: Step Fwd Touch, Step Back Touch x3 (optional clap with touches)
1 - 2Diagonal Step fwd right (still facing 9 o'clock), touch left at side of right
3 - 4Diagonal Step back left (still facing 9 o'clock), touch right at side of left
5 - 6Diagonal Step back right (still facing 9 o'clock), touch left at side of right
7 - 8Diagonal Step back left (still facing 9 o'clock), touch right at side of left

S6: Step Fwd Kick Step Back Touch. x2
1 - 2Step fwd right, kick left fwd
3 - 4Step down left, touch right at side of left
5 - 6Step fwd right, kick left fwd
7 - 8Step down left, touch right at side of left

S7: Square Lock Steps Fwd with Brushes
1 - 2Step fwd right, cross left behind right
3 - 4Step fwd right and slightly to the side, brush left at side of right
5 - 6Step fwd left, cross right behind left
7 - 8Step fwd left and slightly to the side, brush right at side of left

S8: ½ Pivot Turn. Running Lock Steps Fwd
1 - 2Step fwd right, ½ pivot turn left onto left (3 o'clock)
3 - 4Step fwd right, lock left behind right
5 - 6Step fwd right, step fwd left
7 - 8Lock right behind left, step fwd left

Restart :- During wall 4 after count 32 Restart the dance facing 6 o'clock – listen for the word “ Mexico “ to prepare for Restart

Ending: Facing 12 o’clock on last wall at the end of the dance do a right rocking chair, step fwd right and pose!! Ta da!!

Contact: -

Alternative danse til "Carnival Ride":
Dans Video
Born To Be Great
Beginner 32/4
Conrad Farnham, Copperhead Line Dancing – February 2018
Mamma Maria
Ultra Beginner 32/4
Frank Trace

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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47

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Udskriv Stepsheet

Youtube Video
Carnival Ride

Youtube Video
Carnival Ride