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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47
NY !!! - Udlærte Listen
Udlærte danse i sæsonen 2024/2025

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Sexy Beaches
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Oprettet 11-10-2017

Counts: 80 Walls: 0 Level: Advanced - Mixed Style
Musik: Sexy beaches by Pitbull feat. Chloe Angelides. Track length: 3.58 mins. iTunes etc
Koreograf: Dee Musk: Fred Whitehouse: Guyton Mundy: Niels Poulsen: September 2017

Type of dance: ABC dance. A: 32 counts/nightclub. B: 16 counts/rumba. C: 32 counts/funky.

Intro: Start after 8 counts (app. 8 secs into track). NOTE that your count-in should be slow. Start with weight on L.
**2 Restarts: 1st) During 3rd A, after 8 counts, facing 12:00. 2nd) During 5th C, after 16 counts, facing 12:00. See
Detailed Restart description at bottom of page
Sequence: ABCC, ABCC, A*, ABC*C.

A – 32 counts/Nightclub/1 wall (The A part always starts facing 12:00) Counts
A[1 – 9] Side R, back rock, fwd L & full spiral, run run rock, back sweeps X 3, ¼ R sways, ¼ L
1 – 2&Step R to R side (1), rock back on L (2), recover fwd onto R (&) 12:00
3Step L fwd turning a full spiral turn R on L (3) 12:00
4&5Run R fwd (4), run L fwd (&), rock R fwd (5) 12:00
6&7Recover L back sweeping R (6), step R back sweeping L (&), step L back sweeping R (7) 12:00
&8&1Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side swaying body R (&), sway L (8), sway R (&), turn ¼ L onto L dragging R next to L (1) … * restart: when doing your 3rd A change counts &8&1 to: rock back on R (8), recover onto L (&). Remember: Don’t turn the ¼ R but stay facing 12:00 when doing this rock step 12:00

A[10 – 16] Weave, ¼ L, step turn turn, R arm up, R&L arm down & out, to chest, shoulders LR
2&3&Cross R over L (2), step L to L side (&), cross R behind L (3), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (&) 9:00
4&5 – 6Step R fwd (4), turn ½ L onto L (&), turn ½ L on L stepping R to R side starting to reach R arm fwd with palm opened up (5), R arm ends stretched forwards and slightly up (6) 9:00
7&8Bring R arm down alongside R leg with R hand fisted (7), do the same with L arm (&), bring both arms up to chest crossing R arm over L (8) 9:00
&aTwist upper-body slightly L (&), twist upper-body slightly R (a) – weight on R 9:00

A[17 – 24] Sweep R, cross ¼ R, R side rock, full turn with jump/kick, ¼ R, ¼ R, together, weave
1 – 2&3Recover onto L sweeping R fwd (1), cross R over L (2), turn ¼ R stepping L back (&), rock R to R side (3) 12:00
4&5Recover onto L (4), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (&), turn ½ R stepping back on L kicking R leg up but continuing to turn ¼ R on L (5) Styling for count 5: Jump slightly off R foot to show the lyrics ‘jump into the deep end’ … 😊 12:00
6&7Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (6), turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (&), step R next to L (7) 6:00
&8&Cross L over R (&), step R to R side (8), close L behind R (&) 6:00

A[25 – 32] R basic, side rock cross, ½ L, R arm up, R&L arm down & out, to chest, shoulders LR
1 – 2&Step R a big step to R side (1), step L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) 6:00
3&4&Rock L to L side (3), recover onto R (&), cross L over R (4), turn ¼ L stepping back on R (&) 3:00
5 – 6Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side starting to reach R arm fwd with palm opened up (5), R arm ends stretched forwards and slightly up (6) 12:00
7&8Bring R arm down alongside R leg with R hand fisted (7), do the same with L arm (&), bring both up to chest crossing R arm over L (8) 12:00
&aTwist upper-body slightly L (&), twist upper-body slightly R (a) – weight on R 12:00

B – 16 counts/Rumba/1 wall (The B part always starts facing 12:00 – NOTE: use them hips!)
B[1 – 8] Sweep R diagonally L, R rocks, L side rock cross, ¼ L X 2, R rocks with body rolls
1 – 2&3Recover onto L sweeping R fwd into L diagonal (1), rock R fwd (2), recover back on L (&), recover fwd to R (3) 10:30
4&5Turn 1/8 R rocking L to L side (4), recover onto R (&), cross L over R (5) 12:00
6&Turn ¼ L stepping back on R (6), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (&) 6:00
7&8&Cross rock R slightly over L (7), recover on L (&) recover fwd to R (8), recover back on L (&) …Styling: roll body from chest and down during your two rock steps 6:00

B[9 – 16] Sweep L diagonally R, L rocks, R side rock cross, ¼ R X 2, L rocks with body rolls
1 – 2&3Recover onto R sweeping L fwd into R diagonal (1), rock L fwd (2), recover back on R (&), recover fwd to L (3) 7:30
4&5Turn 1/8 L rocking R to R side (4), recover onto L (&), cross R over L (5) 6:00
6&Turn ¼ R stepping back on L (6), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&) 12:00
7&8Cross rock L slightly over R (7), recover on R (&), recover fwd to L (8) … Styling: roll body from chest and down during your two rock steps 12:00

C – 32 counts/Funky/2 walls (The C part always starts facing 12:00 and always comes twice)
C[1 – 8] Out RL, centre, fwd L, R swivel up, return, bounce side/back/side, fwd R & open body
1&2&Step R out to R (1), step L out to L (&), step R to centre (2), step L fwd (&) 12:00
3 – 4Step R fwd swivelling both heels R and going up on ball of both feet at the same time (3), swivel heels back again recovering back on L (4) 12:00
5 – 8Rock R to R side (5), recover on L rocking R back (6), recover on L rocking R to R side (7), recover onto L stepping R fwd (8) Styling for count 8: open body to R side that way slightly crossing R over L when stepping R fwd AND look over R shoulder. - Note: During all 4 rocks try to bounce bending in both knees when taking your steps 12:00

C[9 – 16] Walk LRL fwd, together with R, walk LR back, ball back rock
1 – 2Walk L fwd (1), walk R fwd (2) … Styling: bring both arms in front of body crossing R arm over L (1), bring arms out to both sides and snap fingers (2) 12:00
3 – 4Step L fwd (3), step R next to L (4) … Styling: push arms and hands fwd and up to face level/palms open towards face (3), flip hands around so that both palms are facing fwd/fingers pointing up (4) 12:00
5 – 6Walk back L (5), walk back R (6) … Styling: drop arms down on count 5 12:00
&7 – 8Step L a small step back (&), rock back on R (7), recover fwd to L (8) … * Restart: when doing your 5th C the music changes, then restart here, after 16 counts, facing 12:00 12:00

C[17 – 24] Step R fwd & Hand claps, push L to L side with drag, chug ¾ L
1&2Step R fwd slapping thigh with R hand and placing L hand over R thigh with palm facing down (1), slap L hand’s palm with back of R hand (&), slap R thigh with R hand again (2) 12:00
3 – 4Drop arms stepping L a big step to L side and pushing R hand/arm to R side (3), drag R towards L (4) 12:00
5 – 8Drop R arm starting to turn ¾ L rocking R to R side (5), continue turning and finish the ¾ turn over the next 3 counts ending with the weight on L (8) 3:00

C[25 – 32] Heel grind ¼ R, L side rock, cross shuffle, vine R with big step R, slide together
1 – 2&Touch R heel fwd (1), grind ¼ R on R rocking L to L side (2), recover onto R (&) 6:00
3&4Cross L over R (3), step R a small step to R side (&), cross L over R (4) 6:00
5 – 6Step R to R side (5), cross L behind R (6) … Styling: touch L shoulder with R hand and R shoulder with L hand (5), touch L shoulder with L hand and R shoulder with R hand (6) 6:00
7 – 8Step R a big step to R side (7), step L next to R (8) … Styling: push hands/arms down (7), push hands/arms out to sides (8) … then drop arms again 😉 6:00


Ending : When doing your last C do up to count 31 (you’re facing 6:00). Rather than stepping L to R you touch L behind R (count 32), then unwind ½ L to face 12:00 stepping L to L side 12:00

Contacts: -
Dee Musk:
Fred Whitehouse:
Guyton Mundy:
Niels Poulsen:

Alternative danse til "Sexy Beaches":
Dans Video
Summer Sway
Improver 32/4
Cody Flowers (USA), Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) and Lisa Utz (USA) August 2017

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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47
NY !!! - Udlærte Listen
Udlærte danse i sæsonen 2024/2025

Helt NY opgørelse og hitliste over de danse der udlæres i linedance klubberne i Danmark
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Sexy Beaches

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Sexy Beaches

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Sexy Beaches

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Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches

Youtube Video
Sexy Beaches