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Sweet Caroline 1 alternativ dans © |
0,0 point Oprettet 17-11-2017 |
Counts: 56 Walls: 2 Level: Phrased Improver
Musik: Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond
Udlært 29-08-2024 hos
All in One Dance -
Country holdet
Udlært 24-09-2024 hos
Ølstykke Linedance -
Let øvede+ (hold 1) holdet
Intro: 28 Counts
Sequence: A, A, A, +, B, B, A, A, A, +, B, B, A- (Restart/Tag), B, B
Notes: A is danced facing front and back walls. You will dance 3 A, and then need to dance “+” which is 8 counts to turn you back to the front wall. B is only danced facing the front and you will always dance B twice in a row. The last time you dance A you only dance 24 counts of it and then add a 4 count tag which brings you back to the front wall to dance B two more times.
Please consider checking out “Love You More” choreographed by Amy Glass and myself to get your dancers ready for this dance. Love You More is part “A” of Sweet Caroline.
Part A: 32 counts
A1: Point R, Touch, Slide R, Touch, Point L, Touch, Slide L, Touch
1-2Point RF to R side, Touch RF next to LF
3-4Take a big step to the R, Drag LF next to RF finishing with a touch
5-6Point LF to L side, Touch LF next to RF
7-8Take a big step to the L, Drag RF next to LF finishing with a touch
A2: Out, Out, In with ¼ turn R, In, Out, Out, In with ¼ turn R, In
1-2Step diagonally forward to R with RF, Step diagonally forward to L with LF
3-4Make a ¼ turn R and close RF next to LF, Close LF next to RF
5-6Step diagonally forward to R with RF, Step diagonally forward to L with LF
7-8Make a ¼ turn R and close RF next to LF, Close LF next to RF
A3: R Vine, Touch, L Vine, Touch
1-2Step RF to R side, Cross LF behind RF
3-4Step RF to R side, Touch LF next to RF
5-6Step LF to L side, Cross RF behind LF
7-8Step LF to L side, Touch RF next to L
During the last A section of the dance add the Tag here
A4: Walk forward x3, Kick, Walk back x3, Touch
1-2Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF
3-4Step forward on RF, Kick LF forward
5-6Step back on LF, Step back on RF
7-8Step back on LF, Touch RF next to RF
A+: Step Clap x4 making two ¼ turns L
1-2Step RF to R side, Touch LF next to RF and clap hands
3-4Step LF to L side, Touch RF next to LF making a ¼ turn L and clap hands
5-6Step RF to R side, Touch LF next to RF and clap hands
7-8Step LF to L side, Touch RF next to LF making a ¼ turn L and clap hands
Part B: 24 counts
B1: Rock R, Recover, Cross, Hold, Rock L, Recover, Cross, Side
1-2Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF
3-4Cross RF over LF, Hold
5-6Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF
7-8Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side
B2: Cross, Hold, Rock R, Recover, Weave to L with ¼ turn L
1-2Cross LF over RF, Hold
3-4Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L side
7-8Cross RF behind LF, Make a ¼ turn L and step forward on LF
B3: Step, Click, ¼ turn L, Click, Step, Click, ½ turn L, Click
1-2Step forward on RF, Click fingers on R hand
3-4Make a ¼ pivot turn L, Click fingers on R hand
5-6Step forward on RF, Click fingers on R hand
7-8Make a ½ pivot turn L, Click fingers on R hand
Tag: During the last A section of the dance add the tag after 24 counts
Sway ¼ turn L x2
1-2Make a ¼ turn L and step to R with RF (swaying to R), Recover
3-4Make a ¼ turn L and step to R with RF (swaying to R), Recover
Hope you enjoy the dance.
Live to Love; Dance to Express.
Alternative danse til "Sweet Caroline":
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