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This Is Us 0 alternativ dans © |
0,0 point Oprettet 20-03-2019 |
Counts: 64 Walls: 4 Level: Phrased Advanced
Musik: This Is Us by Alisan Porter (single)
Koreograf: Rebecca Lee (Malaysia)
Intro – 16counts, 14secs from start of track on lyrics 'Hard’
Sequence- A,A,B,A,A Restart,B,A,A,B,second half B, Ending
Section A: 16 counts
A[1-8] Arabesque, Cross, Side, Sweep, Behind, Step, Spiral, Triple Full Turn, Close, Collapse, Stand Up Straight
1,2&Step LF forward to L diagonal as you raise R leg behind you, step RF forward, step LF to L side as you square up to 12 o’clock
3,4&Step RF behind L as you sweep LF from front to back, step LF behind R, 3/8 turn R as you step RF forward to 4.30
5,6&Step LF forward making a full spiral turn over R shoulder keeping weight on LF, step RF forward, ½ turn R stepping LF back
7,8&½ turn R stepping RF forward, close LF next to R as you lower down, stand up straight keeping weight on RF (facing diagonal 4.30)
A[9-16] Step Back Kick, Step Back R,L, ¼ Turn R, Sway x2, Sweep, Curve Run R,L,R, Rock, Recover
1,2&Step LF back as you kick RF forward**, step RF back, step LF back
3,4&¼ turn R stepping RF to R side, sway L, sway R (facing 7.30)
5 3/8 turn L stepping LF forward as you sweep RF from back to front (3.00)
6&7½ turn L curve run R,L,R (9.00)
8&Rock LF forward, recover weight on to R
(To start section A again you will have to make 3/8 of turn on first step to the diagonal. To start section B you will have to make ½ turn L to step on LF)
**During 3rd Pattern of section A, Restart the dance into section B, After the Kick RF forward, ADD - Rock RF to R Side for count 2 facing 12.00, Prep Body to R this will allow you to push off into section B**
Section B: 48 counts
B[1-8] Full Turn L, Run Forward R,L,R Hitch, Back L,R,L Sweep, Weave, ¼ Turn L, Step Forward x2
1,2&¼ turn L stepping LF forward continue making ¾ turn L hitching R knee up (full turn to get back to 12 o’clock) step RF forward, step LF forward
3,4&Step RF forward as you lift L knee, step LF back, step RF back
5,6&Step LF back as you sweep RF from front to back, step RF behind L, step LF to L side
7,8&Cross RF over L (Arms: Lift L arm up to the celling also lift R arm up to shoulder height, straight) ¼ turn L stepping LF forward, step RF forward
B[9-16] Rock, Recover Sweep x3, Hands R,L, Duck Under, ¼ Turn L, Open Arms, Sway L, R (Push Hands R,L) Cross L Over R
1,2&Rock LF forward, Recover weight on RF as you sweep LF from front to back, step LF back as you sweep RF from front to back,
3,4&Step RF back as you sweep LF from front to back (keep weight on RF with LF pointed back) raise R hand in front of chest, raise LF hand in front of chest making both hand touch
5,6Duck under both hands as you make a ¼ turn pivot L weight in center, Hands should be behind your head, open arms in front of you (it will feel like you are opening double doors)
7,8&Sway L as you push R hand to R, sway R as you push L hand to L, **cross LF over R (6.00)
B[17-24] ¼ Turn L Touching RF Back, Body Roll, Place Weight On R, Ball Point Back, R Hand, Touch R Shoulder With L, Pivot ½ Turn R, Drop Down, Step LF Back Kicking RF Forward, Coaster Step Making A Slow Pivot ½ Turn L, Step L Forward
1,2&¼ turn L as you touch RF back body roll from head to toe, weight finishes on RF for count 2, close LF next to R
3&4Touch RF back as you point R hand down to R toe, touch L hand across to R shoulder, pivot ½ turn R keeping weight on LF running L hand down R arm
&5,6lower down placing weight on RF joining both hands to chest, step back on LF as you kick RF forward opening hands and sprinkle fingers (into million pieces) step RF back (9.00)
&7,8Close LF next to R, step RF forward making a slow ½ turn L keeping weight on RF, step LF forward (3.00)
B[25-32] ½ Turn L x2, Curve Run L Stepping R,L, Close R To L Raise Up, Walk Back R,L, Touch RF Back, Touch R Shoulder, Pivot ½ Turn R, Walk Forward R,L
&1,½ turn L stepping RF back, ½ turn L stepping LF forward
2&31/8 turn L stepping RF forward, 1/8 turn R stepping LF forward, close RF next to L as you raise up on tip toes (12.00)
4&5Step RF back, step LF back, point R toe back at the same time you push R hand forward making a stop gesture (Weight stays on LF)
6,7Place R hand on LF shoulder, pivot ½ turn R keeping weight on LF (RF should be pointed forward 6.00)
8&Step RF forward placing R hand down to R side, step LF forward placing L hand down to L side (Both palms facing forward, waist height 6.00)
B[33-40] Close R As You Hug Over 2 Counts, ½ Diamond Fall away, Arms x2,
1,2,3Close RF next to L, hug body over counts 1,2, step RF to R side on count 3
4&5Cross LF over R, step RF to R side, 1/8 turn L stepping LF back diagonal
6&Step RF back diagonal, 1/8 turn L stepping LF to L side
7,8¼ turn L stepping RF to R side placing R hand down to R side, place L hand to L side (Both palms facing forward, waist height 12.00)
B[41-48] Raise Arms, Make a S Sign With Arms, Cross Rock R, ¼ Turn R, ½ Turn Chase R, ¼ Turn R With Touch x2
1,2&Throw both hands up in front of body palms forward, close palms as you pull arms down half way to L side, pull both arms down to R side
3,4&Pull both arms down to L side placing weight on LF (arms should make a small S sign on counts 2&3) cross rock R over L, recover weight on to LF
5,6&¼ turn R stepping RF forward, step LF forward, pivot ½ turn R placing weight on RF
7,8¼ turn L touching L toe to L side, touch LF next to R
** Last time we dance section B we start it from count 16. Dancers will be facing 12.00 after the touch, we ADD ¼ turn L stepping LF forward, ADD ½ turn L touching RF back into the body roll, we dance the rest of the dance until the end from the body section. Ending is after the chase turn R, instead of the touches with LF we step LF to L side and place R hand to R side, place L hand to L side, finish with a body HUG facing 12.00**
Tag after the second A section,
1,2Sway L,R
Sequence- A,A,B,A,A Restart,B,A,A,B,second half B, Ending
Alternative danse til "This Is Us":
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