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Kiss & Tell 0 alternativ dans © |
0,0 point Oprettet 16-11-2019 |
Counts: 96 Walls: 2 Level: Phrased Intermediate
Musik: I Was Made For Lovin You by KISS
Koreograf: Roy Verdonk (NL) & Kate Sala (UK) & Rob Fowler (UK) & Jef Camps (BE)
(Any version of the song with a duration from approx 4minutes & 26 seconds)
Dance starts facing 6:00 after 48 counts intro Sequence: B-A-B-A-B-B-A*-A-B-B-B-B
Section A1: Side, Behind-Side-Cross, Side, Diagonal Heel Bounces
1-2&3-4RF step side, LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF cross over RF, RF step side
5-6-7-8Turn body into L diagonal and bounce L-heel 4 times while L-toes pointing in L-diagonal
Section A2: Ball, Weave, Diagonal Stomp, Heel Bounce, ¼ Turn Stomp Up, Kick Fwd
&1-2LF close on ball next to RF, RF cross over LF, LF step side
3-4RF cross behind LF, LF step side
5-6Turn body into R diagonal and stomp RF forward, bounce R-heel
7-8¼ turn L on LF & RF stomp up next to LF, RF kick forward 9:00
Section A3: Walks Back, Point Fwd, Step, Touch Together, Step Back, Point Fwd
1-2RF step back, LF step back
3-4RF step back, LF point forward
5-6LF step forward, RF touch next to R (you can lean body forward)
7-8RF step back &, LF point forward (you can lean body back)
Section A4: Step Fwd, ½ Back, ¼ Side, Cross, Chasse, Rock Back/Recover
1-2LF step forward, ½ turn L & RF step back 3:00
3-4¼ turn L & LF step side, RF cross over LF 12:00
5&6LF step side, RF close next to LF, LF step side
7-8RF rock back, recover on LF
Section A5: Side Stomp, Hold, ½ Turn Stomp, Hold, Jazz Box Cross
1-2RF stomp side, hold
3-4½ turn L & LF stomp side, hold 6:00
5-6-7-8RF cross over LF, LF step back, RF step side, LF cross over RF
Section A6: Diagonal Slide & Drag, ¼ Sailor Step (2x)
1-2RF slide into R diagonal & drag LF towards RF
3&4¼ turn L & LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF step slightly forward 3:00
5-6RF slide into R diagonal & drag LF towards RF
7&8¼ turn L & LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF step slightly forward 12:00
Section A7: Rock Fwd/Recover, Full Turn Travelling Back, Back, Cross, Back, Side
1-2RF rock forward, recover on LF
3-4½ turn R & RF step forward, ½ turn R & LF step back 12:00
5-6RF step back (turn body slightly into R diagonal), LF cross over RF **
7-8RF step back, LF step side
Section A8: Cross, Sweep, Cross Shuffle, Side, Touch, Side, Touch
1-2RF cross over LF, LF sweep forward
3&4LF cross over RF, RF step side, LF cross over RF
5-6RF step side, LF touch next to RF
7-8LF step side, RF touch next to LF
Step change: Dance until count 6 of section 7 and add following steps before restarting part A to 12:00 (6:00)
1-2RF step back, ½ turn L & LF step forward
3-4RF step side, LF touch next to RF
5-6LF step side, RF touch next to LF
PART B : The dance starts with part B facing 6:00
Section B1:Step Fwd, ½ Pivot, Stomps Out, Slaps, Hip Roll
1-2RF step forward, ½ turn L putting weight on LF 12:00
3-4RF stomp into R diagonal, LF stomp into L diagonal
5-6Slap R-butt cheek with R-hand, slap L-butt cheek with L-hand
7-8Anticlockwise hiproll starting L
Section B2: Side, Together, Side, Touch & Clap, Rolling Vine, Touch
1-2-3-4RF step side, LF step together, RF step side, LF touch next to RF & clap hands
Styling for counts 1-4: ‘Shoop Shoop’ your hands as you are skiing while body is facing R diagonal
5-6¼ turn L & LF step forward, ½ turn L & RF step back 3:00
7-8¼ turn L & LF big step side, RF touch next to LF 12:00
Section B3: Hip Rolls, Pointing Finger Around, Touch
1-2RF step side and roll hips around anticlockwise (weight on RF)
3-4Roll hips around clockwise (weight on LF)
Styling for counts 1-2 & 3-4: disco arm rolls forward
5-6-7-8Start pointing R-hand finger from L to R on chest level, RF touch next to LF
Section B4: Kick-Ball-Cross, Kick-Ball-Cross, Stomp, Heel Bounces
1&2RF kick into R-diagonal, RF step side on ball, LF cross over RF
3&4RF kick into R-diagonal, RF step side on ball, LF cross over RF
For counts 1-4 your body is facing the R diagonal the whole time
5-6-7-8RF stomp side whilst facing R diagonal, bounce both heels 3x while turning to center again
Alternative danse til "Kiss & Tell":
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