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For The Love Of It
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Oprettet 13-08-2022

Counts: 32 Walls: 2 Level: Intermediate
Musik: For the Love of It - Texas Hill
Koreograf: Maddison Glover (AUS) - August 2022

Introduction: Begin on the word “Love”

Side, Cross Rock/ Recover, Side, Cross Rock/ Recover, ¼ Sweep, Cross, Side, Back Rock / Recover, ½ Turn Hinge
1,2&Step R to R side (slightly into R diagonal 1:30), cross rock L over R, recover weight back onto R
3,4&Step L to L side (slightly into L diagonal 10:30), cross rock R over L, recover weight back onto L
5Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd as you sweep L fwd/ around (3:00)
6&7&Cross L over R, step R to R side, rock back onto L (slightly behind R), recover weight fwd onto R
8&Turn ¼ R stepping L back (6:00), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (9:00)

Cross Rock/ Recover, Side, Weave ¼, Out, Out, Back, Cross, Point, Touch, Side, Touch
1,2&Cross rock L over R, recover weight back onto L, step L to L side
3&4&Cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (6:00)
5&Step R fwd/out into R diagonal, step L fwd/out into L diagonal (5& up on tippy toes)
6&Step R back, cross L over R (slightly bend L knee for balance)
7&8&Point R out to R side, touch R beside L, large step R to R side, touch L beside R

Sway, Sway, Full Turn Run-Around, Hitch, Forward, Mambo Forward with Sweep Back
1,2Step L to L side as you sway hips L, sway hips R
3&4&Full turn (L) run-around in a circle stepping L, R, L, R (6:00)
5,6Step L fwd as you hitch R knee up, step R fwd
7&8Rock L fwd, recover weight back onto R, step L back as you sweep R back/ around
Note 1: During the chorus on count 2; push both hands/palms down at R hip “lyric: “shove it”.
Note 2: During the chorus on count 5; raise both arms up above head “lyric: rise”. Lower on count 6.

Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock/ Recover, Cross, Side, Together, Cross, ¼ Back, ½ Forward, ¼ Side, 1/8 Back Rock/ Recover
1&2Cross R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L
3&4Rock L out to L side, recover weight onto R, cross L over
&5Step R to R side (opening body into 4:30), close L beside R (pop R knee to ensure weight is on L)
6&Cross R over as you square up to 6:00, turn ¼ R stepping L back (9:00) ** ¼ turn R to RESTART **
7&Turn ½ R stepping R fwd (3:00), turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (6:00)
8&Rock R back as you turn 1/8 R (7:30), recover weight onto L

RESTART: During the first sequence, dance to count 6& of section 4; make ¼ turn R to start the dance again facing 12:00.

FINISH: Continue dancing until you finish the dance facing 12:00.

The lyrics in this song really spoke to me and I feel as though many of us can also connect to the lyrics. I asked dancers online how dancing made them feel and why they dance. The responses were overwhelming and as a result, I decided to put their answers on my latest merchandise.
“You gotta do it for the love of it”

FB: Maddison Glover Line Dance

Alternative danse til "For The Love Of It":
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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47

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For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It

For The Love Of It