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We Should Get Married 0 alternativ dans © |
Rigtig God 4,0 point Oprettet 04-10-2023 |
Counts: 32 Walls: 2 Level: Improver - Contra
Musik: We Should Get Married - Dan + Shay
Koreograf: Maddison Glover (AUS) - September 2023
1 dansere har stemt og givet ialt 4 point. Gennemsnitlig score er 4,00 af 5 mulige
#45 second introduction. Begin on the word “Married”
CONTRA: Line #1 must start facing 6:00. Line #2 must start facing 12:00. Etc.
Heel, Hook, Heel, Hook, Vine, Touch, Heel, Hook, Heel, Hook, Vine, Touch
1&2&Touch R heel fwd into R diagonal, hook R across L shin, touch R heel fwd into R diagonal, hook R across L shin
3&4&Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, touch L beside R
5&6&Touch L heel fwd into L diagonal, hook L across R shin, touch L heel fwd into L diagonal, hook L across R shin
7&8&Step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, touch R beside L
Mambo Forward, Coaster Cross, Side, Recover, Cross, Side, Recover, Cross
1&2,3&4Rock R fwd, recover back onto L, step R back, step L back, step R together, cross L over R
5&6,7&8Rock R out to R side, recover onto L, cross R over L, rock L out to L side, recover onto R, cross L over R
Side, Hold, Touch, Hold, Side, Hold, Touch, Hold (with Claps and Snaps), Toe/ Heel, Forward (x2), Scuff
1&Step R out to R side as your brush both hands out/ across thighs, hold as you brush both hands in/ across thighs
2&Touch L together as you clap together, hold as you click both hands at shoulder height
3&Step L out to L side as your brush both hands out/ across thighs, hold as you brush both hands in/ across thighs
4&Touch R together as you clap together, hold as you click both hands at shoulder height
5&6Touch R toe beside L as you turn R knee in, touch R heel out to R diagonal, stomp R fwd
7&8&Touch L toe beside R as you turn L knee in, touch L heel out to L diagonal, stomp L fwd, scuff R fwd
2x Walks Forward, Lock Shuffle, Pivot ½, Forward, Rocking Chair
1&2&Walk R fwd, scuff L fwd, walk L fwd, scuff R fwd
3&4Step R fwd, lock L behind, step R fwd
5&6Step L fwd, pivot ½ turn over R (weight on R), step L fwd
7&8&Rock R fwd, recover weight back onto L, rock R back, recover weight fwd onto L
Moving through the opposite line: On the two walks fwd, walk through the gap in front of you and continue to move
fwd with the lock step.
During the 6th sequence; dance up to count 8 and add the following:
Note: The music will slow down. Everyone will complete the same footwork in the tag. The only difference will be that one will propose and the other will raise their hand to accept the ring.
If the line started the dance (from the beginning) facing 12:00, they will complete the following on the lyrics:
Slow Jazz Box, Step Forward
Cross R over L (WANT), Step L back (TO), step R to R side (GET), step L fwd (ON), step R fwd (KNEE) with a slight lunge fwd as you “propose” to the opposite line.
If the line started the dance (from the beginning) facing 6:00, they will complete the following:
Slow Jazz Box, Step Forward
Cross R over L (WANT), Step L back (TO), step R to R side (GET), step L fwd (ON), step R fwd (KNEE) as you raise left hand at shoulder height towards the opposite line to accept the ring.
Everyone will continue to hold. You will hear the count “1,2,3,4”, continue to hold until the word “WAIT!”. This is when you close R foot beside L on count 5. Wait/ hold on counts 6,7,8 and then commence the dance from the beginning on the word “married”.
Ending: Complete the first 8 counts of the dance and step R to R side as you throw both hands in the air!
FB - Maddison Glover Line Dance
Alternative danse til "We Should Get Married":
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