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Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47
NY !!! - Udlærte Listen
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Take Me To The Water
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Oprettet 01-11-2023

Counts: 81 Walls: 1 Level: Advanced NC
Musik: To the Water - Matt Simons
Koreograf: Fiona Murray (IRE) & Roy Hadisubroto (NL) - May 2016

Intro: Start on the word “Walked” when Matt Simons starts singing “I Walked into the….”
Sequences: A A B C A B C (TAG) B (Restart) B C
Note: The choreography is done on the lyrics so the counts could slightly modify.

Footwork Part A: 28 counts
[1 – 6] Walk x2, Rock, Hitch, Hold, Cross, Side, Turn1/8 L, Rock
1 - 2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) 12:00
3&4Rock R forward (3), Recover onto L while hitching R knee (&), Hold (4) 12:00
&5 - 6Cross R behind L (&), Step L to L side (5), Turn 1/8 L and rock R forward (6) 10:30

[7 – 12] Recover, Turn 1/8 R, Weave, Turn 1/8 L, Rock, Recover, Turn 1/2 R, Rock Recover
1&2Recover back on L (1) Turn 1/8 R and Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (2) 12:00
&3 - 4Step R to R side (&) Turn 1/8 L and Rock L backwards (3), Recover onto R (4) 10:30
&5 – 6Turn ½ R on R and step back on L (&), Rock R back (5), Recover onto L (6) 4:30

[13 – 18] Step Sweep x2, Step, Hitch, Turn 1/8 R, Cross, Sway, Drag, Touch Side, Touch Together
1-2-a3Step R forward and sweep L forward (1), Step L forward and sweep R forward (2) Step R forward and hitch L knee and turn 1/8 R on R (a3), 4:30
&4Cross L over R (&) Step R to R side and sway R (4) 6:00
5 & 6&Sway L and Drag R towards R (5) touch R next to L (&) Touch R to R side (6) Touch R next to L (&) 6:00

[19 – 28] Night Club Basic, Cross, Unwind 1/2 Turn R, Arm movements,
1 – 2&Step R to R side (1), Close L behind R (2) Cross R over L (&) 6:00
3 & 4Step L to L side (3), Cross R behind L (&) Unwind ½ Turn R (4) 12:00
5 – 6&Right Hand on Mouth (5) Left Hand on Mouth (6) Stretch both arms forwards (&) 12:00
7Hold (7), 12:00
8 - 12Second and third time doing Part A: repeat the arm movement again on the words “when she said”

Footwork Part B: 40 counts
[7 8& 1 – 8] Side, Cross, Sweep, Arm movements, Turn 1/8 R, Turn ½ L, Turn 3/4 R, Nightclub Basic, Arm movements, Turn 1 ¼ R
7Step R to R side and put R hand on the heart (on the words: “I’m ready”) 12:00
8Cross L on ball of L foot behind R and the back of the R hand in front of R eye (on the word: “close”) 12:00
&The back of the L hand in front of L eye (on the word: “my”) 12:00
1 – 2 &Drop L heel and sweep R from front to back, both arms open up to the side (on the word: “eyes”) (1) Turn 1/8 R step R backwards (2) Turn ½ L and step L forward (&) 7:30
3 & 4Step R forward (3) Turn ½ R and step L backwards (&) Turn ¼ R and step R to R side, bring L hand to R shoulder (on the word: “hold”) (4) 4:30
& 5 – 6 &Bring R hand to L shoulder, L hand is still on R shoulder (on the word: “tight”) (&) Both arms open up to the side (5) Close L behind R (6) Cross R in front of L (&) 4:30
7 – 8 &Turn ¼ R and step L backwards (7) Turn ½ R and step R forward (8) Turn 1/2 R and Step L backwards (&) 7:30

[9 – 16] Turn ¼ R, Nightclub Basic 2x, arm movements, Sway 2x, Sweep, Rock, Recover,
Arm movements
1 – 2&Turn ¼ R and step R to R side, R arm coming from behind the head and stretch out to the side looking over the right shoulder (on the word: “over”)(1) Close L behind R (2) Cross R over L (&) 10:30
3 – 4&Step L to L side and turn 1/8 R (3) Close R behind L (4) Cross L over R (&) 12:00
5 – a6Step R to R side (5) Sway L to L side (a) Sway R to R side (6) 12:00
7 – 8&Cross L behind R and Turn 1/8 R and sweep R from front to back (7) Rock R backwards and put R Hand in front of R eye (on the word: “close”) (8) L hand in front of L eye (on the word: “my) (&) 1:30

[17 – 24] Diamond, Cross, Unwind ½ R
1 – 2&Step L forward and bring both hands to front and down (on the word: eyes) (1) Step R forward (2) Step L forward (&) 1:30
3 – 4&Turn 1/8 L and step R to R side (3) Turn 1/8 L and step L backwards (4) Step R backwards (&) 10:30
5 – 6&Turn 1/8 L and step L to L side (5) Turn 1/8 L and step R forward (6) Step L forward (&) 7:30
7 – 8&Turn 1/8 L and step R to R side (7) Cross L behind R (8) Unwind ½ L (&) 12:00

[25 – 32] Arm Movements, Turn ¼ L, Rock, Turn ¼R, Recover, Shuffle, ¾ Turn R Curved Walk
1 & 2Upper body drops down and both arms goes down (on the 1st part of the word un-) (1) bring upper body straight up and bring both arms straight forward (on 2nd part of the word: -der) (&) Hold arm position (2) 12:00
3 - 4Turn ¼ L and Rock L to left side, and bring L arm out to L side (on the word: “ steady”) (3) Turn ¼ R and Recover on R (4) 12:00
5 & 6Step L forward, Close R behind L, Step L forward 12:00
note Third time when doing Part B, restart part B again after the shuffle of this section
7 & 8 &Turn 1/4 R and step R forward (7) Turn 1/8 R and step L forward (&) Turn 1/4 R and step R forward (8) Turn 1/8 R and step L forward (&) 9:00

[33 – 40] Step, Sweep, Press, Sweep, Cross, Turn ¼ R, Walk Forward, Rock, Recover, Walk Backwards
1 - 2Step R forward and Sweep L from back to front (1) Press L forward (2), 9:00
3 – 4&Recover back on R and Sweep L from front to back (3) Cross L behind R (4) Turn ¼ R and step R forward (&) 12:00
5 – 6Walk L forward (5) Walk R forward (6) 12:00
7 & 8 &Rock L forward (7) Recover back on R (&) Step L backwards (8) Step R backwards (&) 12:00

Footwork Part C: 13 counts
[1 – 6] Sway 2x, Nightclub Basic, Turn ¼ R, Walk Forward, Turn ¼ R, Cross
1 - 2Bring both hand slowly out to the side with the inside of the hand facing the ground
(on the word: “down”) and at the same time Step L to L side and sway to L (1), Sway R to R side (2) 12:00
3 - 4 &Step L to L side (3), Close R behind R (4), Cross L over R (&) 12:00
5 – 6&Turn ¼ R and step R forward (5), Step L forward (6) Turn ¼ R and Cross R over L (&) 6:00

[7 – 13] Sway 2x, Nightclub Basic, Turn ¼ R, Walk Forward
1 - 2Step L to L side and sway to L (1), Sway R to R side (2) 6:00
3 – 4&Step L to L side (3), Close R behind R (4), Cross L over R (&) 6:00
5 – 6&Turn ¼ R and step R forward (5), Step L forward (6) Turn ¼ R and Cross R over L (&) 12:00
7Step L to left side (7) 12:00

Note: Second time doing Part C after count 7 there is an extra TAG
8Sway R to right side (8) 12:00
1 – 2Sway L to L side (1) Drag R towards L (2) 12:00


Alternative danse til "Take Me To The Water":
Dans Video
Lay low
Improver 32/4
Darren Bailey – Aug 2015
The freeze
Beginner Ultra 16/4
Not Known (US) Feb 2013

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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47
NY !!! - Udlærte Listen
Udlærte danse i sæsonen 2024/2025

Helt NY opgørelse og hitliste over de danse der udlæres i linedance klubberne i Danmark
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Take Me To The Water

Take Me To The Water

Take Me To The Water

Take Me To The Water