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Intro - No time for hesitating...) 3 count after beats begins. (After the words: 'There'll be no'...... then start on the next word: 'Christmas')... Restart: 1 (in wall 12 after 10 counts)
Section 1: Rumba-box: forward with a touch, backwards with a kick 1-2-3-4 Step R to R, L together, step R Forward, touch L next to R 5-6-7-8 Step L to L, R together, step L back, kick R
Section 2: Reverse K-step 1-2-3-4 Step back R diagonally, touch L next to R, (RESTART) Step L forward diagonally, touch R next to L 5-6-7-8 Step forward R diagonally, touch L next to R, step backwards L Diagonally, touch R next to L
Section 3: RF Step R, Cross-kick wit LF, LF step L cross-touch - Repeat x2 1-2-3-4 Step R Forward a little diagonally to the Right, Cross-kick L over R, step back on L, and cross-touch R over L 5-6-7-8 Repeat
Section 4: Vine R with a scuff, Vine ¼ L with a Touch 1-2-3-4 Step R to R, Step L behind R, Step R to R, Scuff L next to R 5-6-7-8 Step L to L, Step R behind L, step L to L with a ¼ turn L, touch R next to L.
One Restart: In wall 12 You dacne to the first 2 steps in the reverse K-step, then start all over again..
Enjoy.... And HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS... Mona Leth (
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