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Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47
NY !!! - Udlærte Listen
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Everybody Get Up
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Oprettet 17-03-2024

Counts: 80 Walls: 2 Level: Phrased Advanced
Musik: Everybody Get Up - Yes Yes No Maybe
Koreograf: Dustin Betts (USA) & Cody Flowers (USA) & Rachael McEnaney (USA) - February 2024

Count In: 32 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals
Phrasing: A B B A B B Tag A- (32) B B

A [1 - 8] R point forward, R point side, 1/4 R sailor, L fwd rock, 1/4 L side, R point
1 2Point R forward slightly across L [1]. Point R to right [2] 12:00
3 & 4Cross R behind L [3] Make 1/4 turn right stepping L next to R [&] Step R forward [4] 3:00
5 6Rock L forward [5] Recover weight R [6] 3:00
7 8Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left (styling: take both arms up above head and circle each arm out to either side) [7].Point R to right
(styling: completing the arm circle snap fingers out to sides ‘diva snap’) 12:00

A [9 - 16] Rolling vine R with R chasse, 1/8 turn R doing L mambo, R triple back (styled with L hitch)
1 2Make 1/4 turn right stepping R forward [1] Make 1/2 turn right stepping L back [2] 9:00
3 & 4Make 1/4 turn right stepping R to right [3] Step L next to R [&] Step R to right (open body to right diagonal) [4] 12:00
5 & 6Make 1/8 turn right rocking L forward [5] Recover weight R [&] Step L back [6] 1:30
7 & 8Step R back hitching L knee [7] Step in place on ball of L [&] Step R back hitching L knee [8] 1:30

A [17 - 24] L Kick out-out (L,R), L side rock (w/hips), 1/2 turn left walking L-R L shuffle.
1 & 2Kick L forward [1] Step L to left [&] Step R to right [2] 1:30
3 4Rock L to left (pushing hips left) while snapping fingers above head in X formation [3] Recover weight R (pushing hips right) while snapping fingers to sides [4] 1:30
5 6Make 1/8 turn left stepping L forward [5] Make 1/8 turn left stepping R forward [6] 10:30
7 & 8Make 1/4 turn left stepping L forward [7] Step R next to L [&] Step L forward [8] 7:30

A [25 - 32] R forward rock, R back doing body roll back, L coaster step, R fwd, 3/8 turn L pivot
1 2 3 4Rock R forward [1] Recover weight L [2] Step R back as you begin body roll back [3] Finish body roll (weight R) [4] 7:30
5 & 6 7 8Step L back [5] Step R next to L [&] Step L forward [6] Step R forward [7] Pivot 3/8 turn left transferring weight L [8] 3:00
NOTE A- The 3rd time you do A you will only dance 32 counts - instead of 3/8 pivot you will make 5/8 to face 12.00 ready to do B

A [33 - 40] Walk forward R-L, 1/4 turn left doing R ‘C-Hip’, 1/4 turn L walking L-R, 3 runs forward L-R-L
1 2Step R forward [1] Step L forward [2] 3:00
3 & 4Make 1/4 turn left hitching R knee bumping hips up [3] Touch R to right bumping hips left [&] Bump hips right bending knees slightly (weight ends R) [4] 12:00
5 6 7 & 8Make 1/4 turn left stepping L forward [5] Step R forward [6] Step L forward [7] Step R forward [&] Step L forward [8] 9:00

A [41 - 48] 1/4 turn R walking R-L, 1/4 turn left doing R ‘C-Hip’, 3/4 turn left running in place L-R-L-R-L, Hold
1 2Make 1/4 right stepping R forward [1] Step L forward [2] 12:00
3 & 4Make 1/4 turn left hitching R knee bumping hips up [3] Touch R to right bumping hips left [&] Bump hips right bending knees slightly (weight ends R) [4] 9:00
5&6&78Making 3/4 turn left run in place L-R-L-R-L [5&6&7] Hold [8] 12:00

B [1 - 8] R hitch, R big step back, hold, L side, R heel, R ball, L cross, unwind full turn right
1 2 3Hitch R knee [1] Take big step back R dragging L towards R [2] Hold [3] 12:00
& 4 & 5Step L to left [&] Touch R heel to right diagonal [4] Step in place on ball of R [&] Cross L over R (bend knees slightly) [5] 12:00
6 7 8Unwind full turn right (with knees still slightly bent) weight ends R [678] 12:00

B [9 - 16] L side, R touch, Hold, R side, L touch, L side, R touch, 3 diagonal rocks (with hip styling), L cross
&12&3&4Step L to left [&] Touch R next to L [1] Hold [2] Step R to right [&] Touch L next to R [3] Step L to left [&] Touch R next to L [4] 12:00
5 6Rock R forward to right diagonal (push hips forward) [5] Recover weight L (push hips back) [6] 12:00
7 8Rock R forward to right diagonal [7] Cross L over R [8] 12:00

B [17 - 24] R side, L close, R cross, 1/4 right back L, 1/4 right doing R chasse into dip, Hold, L close, R side, L touch
& 1 2Step R to right side [&] Step L next to R (angle body to left diagonal 10.30) [1] Cross R over L [2] 12:00
3 4 &Make 1/4 turn right stepping L back [3] Make 1/4 turn right stepping R to right [4] Step L next to R [&] 6:00
5 6Step R big step to right side as you bend both knees slightly (as if dipping under a rope from left to right) [5] Hold (continue the movement from left to right as you straighten knees) [6] 6:00
& 7 8Step L next to R [&] Step R to right [7]. Touch L next to R [8] 6:00

B [25 - 32] Rolling vine L with L chasse, R jazz box
1 2Make 1/4 turn left stepping L forward [1] Make 1/2 turn left stepping R back [2] 9:00
3 & 4Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side [3] Step R next to L [&] Step L to left side [4] 6:00
5 6 7 8Cross R over L [5] Step L back [6] Step R to right [7] Step L forward [8] 6:00

TAG: This tag moves from the position you were to a circle around the floor.
Move to the circle during counts 1 - 16.
Counts 17-80 you will dance IN a circle around edge of floor facing line of dance.
Counts 81-96 you will leave the circle and move to another spot on the floor.
T [1 - 8] Walk R-L, R samba (bota fogo), Walk L-R, L samba (bota fogo)
1 2 3 & 4Step R forward [1] Step L forward [2] Step R forward and across L [3] Rock ball of L to left [&] Recover weight R [4] Move
5 6 7 & 8Step L forward [5] Step R forward [6] Step L forward and across R [7] Rock ball of R to right [&] Recover weight L [8] Move

T [9 - 16] Repeat T 1 - 8 (Walk R-L, R samba (bota fogo), Walk L-R, L samba (bota fogo))
By the end of these 16 counts you need to be in a circle around the floor facing line of dance (counter clockwise) -
If there is a large group you don’t all need to be in a line simply just group together so the whole room creates a circle Move

T [17 - 24] R fwd, L close (hands up), R back, L close (hands down), R side - L touch - L side - R touch with shoulder shimmy
& 1 2Step R forward [&] Step L next to R as you raise both hands up in air [1] Hold [2] Circle
& 3 4Step R back [&] Step L next to R as you bring both hands down [3] Hold [4] Circle
5 6Step R to right and slightly forward [5] Touch L to left [6] During counts 5-6 shimmy shoulders Circle
7 8Step L to left and slightly forward [7] Touch R to right [8] During counts 7-8 shimmy shoulders Circle

T [25 - 32] R fwd, 1/2 pivot L, R fwd, 1/2 pivot L, 4 walks forward R-L-R-L
1 2Step R forward (option to reach hands up palms face out) [1] Pivot 1/2 turn left (weight ends L) [2] Circle
3 4Step R forward (option to reach hands down palms face back) [3] Pivot 1/2 turn left (weight ends L) [4] Circle
5 6 7 8Step R forward [5] Step L forward [6] Step R forward [7] Step L forward [8] Circle

T [3 - 80] Repeat counts T 17 - 32 another 3 times “jump up jump down, shake it all around, jump up jump down…….” Circle

T [81 - 88] 8 walks beginning with R - find another spot on the floor and get back into lines
1-8Walk R-L-R-L-R-L-R-L: You are walking to find another spot on the dance floor Move

T [89-96] Step R hitching L, L ball, Step R hitching L, L ball, Step R hitching L, L ball, Step R hitching L, Step L next to R, Hold
1&2&3&4Step R forward as you hitch L [1] Step in place on ball of L [&] Step R forward as you hitch L [2] Step in place on ball of L [&] Step R forward as you hitch L [3] Step in place on ball of L [&] Step R forward as you hitch L [4] You could also use these steps to continue finding a spot.
Easy alternative for these counts would be simply stepping R-L-R-L-R-L-R 12:00
5 6 7 8Step L next to R as you raise arms up [5] Hold transferring (ready to do A-) [6,7,8] 12:00

Alternative danse til "Everybody Get Up":
Dans Video

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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47
NY !!! - Udlærte Listen
Udlærte danse i sæsonen 2024/2025

Helt NY opgørelse og hitliste over de danse der udlæres i linedance klubberne i Danmark
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Everybody Get Up

Everybody Get Up

Everybody Get Up

Everybody Get Up

Youtube Video
Everybody Get Up