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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47
NY !!! - Udlærte Listen
Udlærte danse i sæsonen 2024/2025

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Bigger Than Life
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 Rigtig God 
4,0 point

Oprettet 10-06-2024

Counts: 128 Walls: 2 Level: Phrased Intermediate
Musik: Larger Than Life (feat. Benji Jackson) - Pinkzebra
Koreograf: José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) & Gregory Danvoie (BEL) - June 2024

1 dansere har stemt og givet ialt 4 point. Gennemsnitlig score er 4,00 af 5 mulige

PART A (always facing 12:00)
SEC 1 Toe strut X2, rocking chair
1-2RF touch to the R diagonal, RF step next to LF (01:30)
3-4LF touch to the R diagonal, LF step next to RF (01:30)
5-6RF rock forward, recover on LF (01:30)
7-8RF rock back, recover on LF (01:30)

SEC 2 Toe strut X2, step fwd, pivot ¼ turn, step fwd, hold
1-2RF touch to the R diagonal, RF step next to LF (01:30)
3-4LF touch to the R diagonal, LF step next to RF (01:30)
5-6RF step forward, pivot with ¼ turn to the L (10:30)
7&8RF step forward, hold (10:30)

SEC 3 Toe strut X2, rocking chair
1-2LF touch to the L diagonal, LF step next to RF (10:30)
3-4RF touch to the L diagonal, RF step next to LF (10:30)
5-6LF rock forward, recover on RF (10:30)
7-8LF rock back, recover on RF (10:30)

SEC 4 Toe strut X2, step fwd, pivot 3/8 turn, step fwd, hold
1-2LF touch to the L diagonal, LF step next to RF (10:30)
3-4RF touch to the L diagonal, RF step next to LF (10:30)
5-6LF step forward, pivot with 3/8 turn to the R (03:00)
7-8LF step forward, hold (03:00)

SEC 5 Step forward X3, hold, mambo forward, hold
1-2RF step forward, LF step forward (03:00)
3-4RF step forward, hold (03:00)
5-6LF rock forward, recover on RF (03:00)
7-8LF step back, hold (03:00)

SEC 6 coaster step, hold, step fwd, pivot ¼ turn, cross over, hold
1-2RF step back, LF step next to RF (03:00)
3-4RF step forward, hold (03:00)
5-6LF step forward, pivot with ¼ turn to the R (06:00)
7-8LF cross over RF, hold (06:00)

SEC 7 Side touch, touch, side-step & drag, rock back, recover, side-step & drag
1-2RF touch to the R side, RF touch next to LF (06:00)
3-4RF big step to the R side & drag L next to RF (06:00)
5-6LF rock back, recover on RF (06:00)
7-8LF big step to the L side & drag R next to LF (06:00)

SEC 8 Rock back, recover, step forward, hold, together, body roll
1-2RF rock back, recover on LF (06:00)
3-4RF step forward, hold (06:00)
5LF step next to RF (06:00)
6-7-8Body roll (06:00)

PART B (always facing 06 :00)
SEC 1 Kick, behind, side, cross; X2
1-2RF kick to the R side, RF cross behind LF
3-4LF step to the L side, RF cross over LF
5-6LF kick to the L side, LF cross behind RF
7-8RF step to the R side, LF cross over RF

SEC 2 Monterey ¼ turn X2
1-2RF point to the R side, RF step next to LF with ¼ turn to the R
3-4LF point to the L side, LF step next to RF
5-6RF point to the R side, RF step next to LF with ¼ turn to the R
7-8LF point to the L side, LF step next to RF

SEC 3 Rocking chair, toe strut X2
1-2RF rock forward, recover on LF
3-4RF rock back, recover on LF
5-6RF touch forward, RF step next to LF
7-8LF touch forward, LF step next to RF

SEC 4 Rocking chair, step forward, pivot ½ turn, stomp X2
1-2RF rock forward, recover on LF
3-4RF rock back, recover on LF
5-6RF step forward, pivot with ½ turn to the L
7-8RF stomp forward, LF stomp next to RF

SEC 5 Step forward, touch, step back touch, shuffle back, touch
1-2RF step forward to the R diagonal, LF touch next to RF
3-4LF step back to the L diagonal, RF touch next to LF
5-6RF step back to the R diagonal, LF step next to RF
7-8RF step back to the R diagonal, LF touch next to RF

SEC 6 Step back, touch, step forward, touch, shuffle forward, scuff
1-2LF step back to the L diagonal, RF touch next to LF
3-4RF step forward to the R diagonal, LF touch next to RF
5-6LF step forward to the L diagonal, RF step next to LF
7-8LF step forward to the L diagonal, RF scuff

SEC 7 Slow jazz box ¼ turn

1-2RF cross over LF, hold
3-4LF step back with ¼ turn to the R, hold
5-6RF step to the R side, hold
7-8LF step forward, hold

SEC 8 Slow jazz box ¼ turn

1-2RF cross over LF, hold
3-4LF step back with ¼ turn to the R, hold
5-6RF step to the R side, hold
7-8LF step forward, hold

TAG 1 :
1-2RF step to the R side, LF touch next to RF (12:00)
3-4LF step to the L side with ¼ turn to the L, RF touch next to LF (09:00)
5-6RF step to the R side, LF touch next to RF (09:00)
7-8LF step to the L side with ¼ turn to the L, RF touch next to LF (06:00)

1-2RF step to the R side, LF touch next to RF (06:00)
3-4LF step to the L side with ¼ turn to the L, RF touch next to LF (03:00)
5-6RF step to the R side, LF touch next to RF (03:00)
7-8LF step to the L side with ¼ turn to the L, RF touch next to LF (12:00)

TAG 2 :
2hold count

TAG 3 :
RF cross over LF, hold time during 3 counts and turn ½ turn to the L

You can hear the lyrics: You know you could Raise right palm forward and finish with right thumb forward

PHRASING : A – B – TAG 1 – A – B – A – TAG 2 – B – A – B* - TAG 3 – A – B - FINAL

Alternative danse til "Bigger Than Life":
Dans Video

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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47
NY !!! - Udlærte Listen
Udlærte danse i sæsonen 2024/2025

Helt NY opgørelse og hitliste over de danse der udlæres i linedance klubberne i Danmark
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Bigger Than Life

Bigger Than Life

Bigger Than Life