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Beauty And Darkness
0,0 point

Oprettet 17-08-2024

Counts: 32 Walls: 2 Level: Advanced
Musik: The Devil Wears Lace - Steven Rodriguez
Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse (IRE) & Shane McKeever (N.IRE) - April 2024

Udlært 27-08-2024 hos Allround Dance - Super Øvet holdet

Intro: 8 Counts, Start at app 6 secs. Start with weight on R foot!

SEC 1 Back ¼ R Sweep, Behind, ⅛ Side, Press, ½ Step, Step, V-step, ¼ L Side Rock, recover R (with arms)
1Step L back turn ¼ R sweeping R from front to back (3:00)
2&Step R behind L, turn ⅛ L step L to L (1:30)
3Press R fwd sliding L back. Arm: push R hand fwd
4&Turn ½ L step L fwd, step R fwd (7:30)
5&6&Step L to L, step R to R, step L back, step R back. Styling: go up on toes on counts 5&
7-8&Turn ¼ L rocking L to L side (7), rock R to R side (8). Arms: Circle arms above head from R to L (7), bounce arms slightly down/up (8e), swing both arms to R (&). Note: keep arms straight throughout

SEC 2 ¼ L into ¾ pencil turn L, Run RL fwd, R Kick hook, R rock recover, ¾ Roll R, Touch, Side L, ¾ Roll R
1Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd and continue turning ¾ L collecting R beside L (4:30). Arms: cross arms in front of chest with hands fisted
2&Step R fwd, step L fwd
3&Kick R fwd, hook R over L. Arms: Place both arms fwd palms down (3), pull arms in/hands fisted (&)
4&Rock R fwd, recover weight onto L prepping body L (1:30)
5&Step R fwd, turn ½ R step L back (10:30)
6&Turn ¼ R step R to R, touch L beside R (1:30). * Tag here on Wall 5, then restart at 6:00
7Step L to L side. Arm: Push R hand to L
8&Turn ¼ R step R fwd, turn ½ R step L back (10:30). Arm: keep R arm up/straight during turns

SEC 3 ¼ R into basic nc, ¾ R Hinge, Run RL fwd, Fwd Coaster point Back, ¼ R rock, ½ L Hitch, ¼ R jazz hook
1-2&Turn ¼ R step R to R, step L beside R, cross R over L (1:30). Arm: drop arm down after count 1
3Step L to L turn ¾ R lifting onto ball of L sweeping R (10:30)
4&Step R fwd, step L fwd
5&Step R fwd, step L beside R collapsing in upper body and bend in both knees
6&Straighten body up and point R foot back, turn ¼ R transfer weight onto R (1:30). Arm: Reach R arm fwd (6), close fist and pull R arm back (&)
7Turn ¼ L step L fwd turn ¼ L hitching R knee (7:30)
8&1&Cross R over L, turn ¼ R step L back, step R back, hook L over R (10:30)

SEC 4 Fwd L, R full turn sweep, ¼ R Jazzbox, 5/8 L Jazzbox, R rock fwd, recover, Back R
2&3Step L fwd, turn ½ L stepping R back, turn ½ L step L fwd sweeping R fwd (10:30)
4&5Cross R over L, turn 1/8 R stepping L back, turn 1/8 R stepping R back (1:30)
&6&aCross L over R, turn 1/8 L stepping R back, turn ½ L stepping L fwd (6:00). Arm: Place both hands on chest (a)
7-8Rock R fwd pushing chest fwd going up on both toes, recover on L contracting chest. Arms: open both hands to sides (7), place hands on chest contracting chest again (8)
&Step R back dropping arms down


Tag Only 4 counts! Tag happens on wall 5, after 14 counts: 5/8 walk around L, Rock R fwd
7-8Turn ¼ L walking L fwd, turn ¼ L walking R fwd. Arm: Push R hand fwd (7)
1-2Turn 1/8 L walking L fwd, rock R fwd bending in knees and collapsing body fwd. Arms: Circle both arms over head from R to L (1), bring both arms down in front of body (2) … Restart dance facing 6:00

Ending: Finish wall 6 and step L out to L side pushing R hand/arm fwd

Alternative danse til "Beauty And Darkness":
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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47

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Beauty And Darkness

Beauty And Darkness

Beauty And Darkness

Beauty And Darkness

Beauty And Darkness

Beauty And Darkness