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To Be A Man
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Oprettet 18-10-2024

Counts: 96 Walls: 0 Level: Phrased Advanced
Musik: To Be A Man - Dax
Koreograf: Guyton Mundy (USA), Rebecca Lee (MY) & Tajali Hall (CAN) - September 2024

1 dansere har stemt og givet ialt 4 point. Gennemsnitlig score er 4,00 af 5 mulige

Count: A = 32 counts, B = 64 counts, Ending = 32 counts
Sequence: A-B-A-First 48 of B-A-Ending

Start facing 6:00.
Dance begins immediately on lyrics “hide myself…”

Ball touch, ½ turn R, run, run, nightclub basic, ¼ turn R, full chase turn R
&1With knees slightly bent take small step back on L, touch R back as hands come up to hide face
2-3Unwind ½ turn R transferring weight to R (12:00), straighten back to standing position as hands pull to each side to expose face
4&5Drop hands and run fwd L, run fwd R, step L to L side
6&7Close R next to L, step L across R, ¼ turn R stepping fwd on R (9:00)
8&1Step fwd on L, ½ pivot R transferring weight to R (3:00), ½ turn R stepping back on L (9:00)

Run back, sway x3, ¼ turn L, ¾ chase turn, bicep hold w/knee drop
2&3Run back R, run back L, ¼ turn R swaying R to R side (6:00)
4&5Sway L, sway R, ¼ turn L stepping fwd on L (9:00)
6&7Step fwd on R, ½ pivot L transferring weight to L (3:00), ¼ turn L stepping R to R side as L arm comes up to L side at shoulder height as though flexing bicep (6:00)
&8&Drag L foot toward R foot as L bicep comes in front of face (&), continue dragging L foot toward R foot as L bicep and R knee drop slightly (8), bring L foot next to R foot keeping weight on R foot as L bicep and R knee drop further (&)

Rise, walk x2, syncopated rock/recover, 1 ½ turn L, step, rock, recover
1Straighten back to standing position while lowering L arm to L side (weight still on R)
2-3Walk fwd L, walk fwd R
4&5Rock fwd on L, recover weight to R, ½ turn L stepping fwd on L (12:00)
&6&½ turn L stepping back on R (6:00), ½ turn L stepping fwd on L (12:00), step fwd on R
7-8Rock fwd on L as you bring hands up to sides of head, recover weight to R as you slowly roll fingers out from temples

Ball step, sweep x2, ¼ turn R, sway x2, ¼ turn L, full turn, ball step, “home” w/hands
&1Small step back on L, step back on R sweeping L from front to back
2-3Step back on L sweeping R from front to back, ¼ turn R swaying R to R side (9:00)
4&5Sway L, sway R, ¼ turn L stepping fwd on L (12:00)
6&½ turn L stepping back on R (6:00), ½ turn L stepping fwd on L (12:00)
a7Small step fwd on R (a), small step fwd on L bringing both index fingers together at eye level pointing forward (7)
&a8Pull index fingers apart towards sides (&), pull index fingers straight down (a), pull index fingers back together at waist level (8)
*On 7&a8, imagine you’re tracing the outline of a house with your index fingers

Step/sweep, cross, back, ¼ R, ¾ turn R, drop, full triple turn, hands over mouth/heart
&1Pull right arm back to prep, step fwd on L sweeping R foot and pushing R arm from back to front
2&3Cross R over L, step back on L, ¼ turn R stepping fwd on R (3:00)
&4½ turn R stepping back on L (9:00), ¼ turn R stepping R to R side (12:00)
5Torque body to R diagonal and drop down as you collapse chest
6&7¼ turn L stepping fwd on L (9:00), ½ turn L stepping back on R (3:00), ¼ turn L stepping L to L keeping weight on R (12:00)
First time dancing B:
&8&Cover mouth with R hand, cover R hand with L hand, pull L hand out in front of R hand (both palms facing in)
Second time dancing B:
&8&Put R hand over heart, cover R hand with L hand, draw L hand out in front of R hand (both palms facing in)

Step fwd L, syncopated rock/recover with ¼ R, pinball drop, step behind R, ¼ turn L, step fwd R, step fwd L, step back R, step back L, ¼ turn R, touch L
1Step fwd on L as back of R hand comes fwd to hit palm of L hand
2&3Rock fwd on R, recover weight to R, ¼ turn R stepping R to R side (3:00)
ea4Bend knees and “ping” upper body back and forth like a pinball L, R, L while lowering body (weight ends on L)
5ea6Step R behind L, ¼ turn L stepping fwd on L (12:00), step fwd on R, rock L to L side as fists clasp together in front of face and swing L as though swinging a baseball bat
&7Recover weight to R pulling fists back toward body, step back on L dropping hands
&8¼ turn R stepping R to R side, touch L next to R (3:00)
*Counts 5-8 should feel less smooth and more abrupt – like you’re about to get angry and then change your mind and regain control.

Nightclub basic, ¼ turn R, ½ chase turn R, step fwd, sways w/hands, ball step
1-2&3Step L to L side, close R next to L, step L across R, ¼ turn R stepping fwd on R (6:00)
4&5Step fwd on L, ½ pivot R transferring weight to R (12:00), step fwd on L

First time dancing B, when he sings about women, children and dogs:
6-7Sway R to R side while drawing curve with R hand from upper L to lower R side (as though you’re tracing the curve of a woman’s body), sway L to L side while laying back of R hand in L palm in front of waist (as though rocking a baby)
8&1Sway R to R side as you flip hands so that both palms are facing down and L hand is over top of R (as though petting a dog), small step L next to R, step R to R side keeping weight on L
Second time dancing B, when he sings about going to war:
6-7Sway R to R side while pulling R hand straight down in front of chest (palm facing L), sway L to L side while pushing R hand across chest from R to L (palm facing down)
8&1Sway R to R side as you pull R hand across chest from L to R (palm facing down), small step L next to R, step R to R side keeping weight on L

¼ turn R, run back, ¼ turn R, sways x2, nightclub basic, ¼ turn R, syncopated rock/recover, run back
2&3¼ turn R stepping back on R (3:00), step back L, ¼ turn R swaying R to R side (6:00)
4&5Sway L, sway R, step L to L side
6&Close R next to L, step L across R
7&8&¼ turn R rocking fwd on R (9:00), recover weight to L, step back R, step back L

Nightclub basic x2, ¼ turn R, syncopated rock/recover, 2 full turns L
1-2&¼ turn R stepping R to R side (12:00), close L next to R, step R across L
3-4&Step L to L side, close R next to L, step L across R
5-6&¼ turn R stepping fwd on R (3:00), rock fwd on L, recover weight to R
7&½ turn L stepping fwd on L (9:00), ½ turn L stepping back on R (3:00)
8&½ turn L stepping fwd on L (9:00), ½ turn L stepping back on R (3:00)

¼ turn L nightclub basic, L coaster rock/recover, full turn, step back x2
1-2&3¼ turn L stepping L to L side (12:00), close R next to L, step L across R, step R to R side
4&5&Step back on L, step R next to L, rock fwd on L, recover weight to R
6&7-8½ turn L stepping fwd on L (6:00), ½ turn L stepping back on R (12:00), big step back L, step back R
*The second time you dance B, you’ll omit the last 16 counts of B and restart A here.

Ball step, ¼ turn R w/windmill arms, step/reach, rock/recover w/fists, engagement ring
&1-2Small step back on L, ¼ turn R stepping R to R side as arms windmill over head (R arm then L arm) from L to R (3:00), touch L next to R as both knees bend
31/8 turn L stepping L fwd on L diagonal and looking up at L open hand as it reaches up to sky (1:30)
4Step R next to L as R hand reaches up to meet L and both hands close in fists
51/8 turn L rocking L to L side as head looks L and L arm extends straight out to L side with fist still closed (12:00)
6Recover weight to R as you reach R arm across L and run R arm along L forearm, drawing R arm back toward L shoulder
7Touch L foot in next to R as you raise L hand in front of face with palm facing out and fingers spread slightly apart (as though admiring engagement ring); at the same time, run R hand down along L forearm toward L hand
8Intertwine R fingers with L (both palms facing out) and curl fingers (R hand over L)

Out, out, in, in, rock/recover, ball step, rock/recover
&1With fingers still intertwined step L forward and out to L, step R forward and out to R
2Lower hands out to both sides at waist level with palms facing up
3-4Step R back and in, step L next to R as you drop hands
5-6Rock R to R side, recover weight to L
&7-8Step R next to L, rock L to L side, recover weight to R

Step/sweep, cross back back, ¼ coaster R, sway x2, nightclub basic, ¼ turn L
&1Pull right arm back to prep, step fwd on L sweeping R foot and pushing R arm from back to front
2&3Cross R over L, step back on L, step back on R
4&5Step back on L, step R next to L, ¼ turn L stepping L to L side (3:00)
6&7Sway R, sway L, step R to R side
8&1Close L next to R, step R across L, ¼ turn L stepping fwd on L (12:00)

¾ chase turn L, sway x2, ¼ turn L, full turn, ball step, “home” w/hands
2&3Step fwd on R, ½ pivot L transferring weight to L (6:00), ¼ turn L stepping R to R side (3:00)
*Counts 4-8 are identical to the last 5 counts of Part A.
4&5Sway L, sway R, ¼ turn L stepping fwd on L (12:00)
6&½ turn L stepping back on R (6:00), ½ turn L stepping fwd on L (12:00)
a7Small step fwd on R (a), small step fwd on L bringing both index fingers together at eye level pointing forward (7)
&a8Pull index fingers apart towards sides (&), pull index fingers straight down (a), pull index fingers back together at waist level (8)
*On 7&a8, imagine you’re tracing the outline of a house with your index fingers

Repeat counts 1-16 of the Ending pattern.

Alternative danse til "To Be A Man":
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Oprettet af:
Linedance-Portalen v/Sven Holt Nielsen
Lagt på 27-07-2015 kl. 13.47

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Sven Holt Nielsen
kommenterer artiklen
Flot svær 96 Walls phrased advanced moderne linedance med krop, hænder og arme i symbolske bevægelser og en del drej, i fin harmoni til sangen "To Be A Man" af Dax, som er en stærkt følelsesladet sang, der handler om de udfordringer og forventninger, som mænd møder i samfundet. Sangen dykker ned i maskulinitet og de kampe, der følger med, som pres, sårbarhed og identitet.
Sangen har fået stor opmærksomhed, særligt efter en remix-version med Darius Rucker, der yderligere forstærkede dens universelle appel. Udgivet i 2023, har den opnået popularitet både i hiphop- og countrykredse.

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To Be A Man

To Be A Man

To Be A Man

To Be A Man

To Be A Man

To Be A Man